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Awesome Apache Airflow

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This is a curated list of resources about Apache Airflow. Please feel free to contribute any items that should be included. Items are generally added at the top of each section so that more fresh items are featured more prominently.


Vital links

Airflow deployment solutions

Introductions and tutorials

Airflow Summit 2020 videos

The first Airflow Summit 2020 was held in July 2020. It was a truly global, fully online event that was co-hosted by 9 Airflow Meetups from all over the world (Melbourne, Tokyo, Bangalore, Warsaw, Amsterdam, London, NYC, BayArea).

It featured 40+ talks and three workshops. You can check out the talk recordings as a YouTube Airflow Summit 2020 Playlist or see the individual talks here:

Best practices, lessons learned and cool use cases

Books, blogs, podcasts, and such

Slide deck presentations and online videos

Libraries, Hooks, Utilities


Commercial Airflow-as-a-service providers

Cloud Composer resources

This section contains articles that apply to Cloud Composer — a service built by Google Cloud based on Apache Airflow. Tricks and solutions are described here that are intended for Cloud Composer, but may be applicable to vanilla Airflow.

Non-English resources

Sample projects



To the extent possible under law, Jakob Homan has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.