

This is a demo of how the gusty package works with Airflow to assist in the organization, construction, and management of DAGs, tasks, dependencies, and operators. It requires that you have Docker and Docker Compose installed on your machine.

Running the demo

Note: this demo takes some time to build, and a little effort up front. If you are in a hurry, please check out gusty-demo-lite.

Generate secrets

Using the cryptography package, generate Fernet keys using the following line. (You will need two)

from cryptography.fernet import Fernet

These keys will be used to encrypt passwords in our connections, and power the Airflow webserver.

Create a .env

Save the generated keys and a default user/password in a .env file in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml. The .env file should look like this:


Build and run

Build with the following (this may take some time):

docker-compose build

Then run with the following:

docker-compose up


Airflow should be available for you at localhost:8080. You can log in with the DEFAULT_USER and DEFAULT_PASSWORD from your .env.

After you turn on the example DAGs and let them run, you can connect to the the containerized Postgres database with a URI akin to postgresql://DEFAULT_USER:DEFAULT_PASSWORD@localhost:5678/datawarehouse. A reminder all tables are housed under the schema views.

Please feel free to create issues, or fork and use to start your own gusty pipeline. Your feedback is very important. Hope you consider using gusty in your data pipeline projects.