


Build Status


jfhbrook doesn't maintain this anymore. If you have machine problems, try to contact goto-bus-stop, who has ssh keys, or visit the #browserify channel on freenode.


Quick Start

Try visiting this link:


Also, wzrd.in has a nice url generating form.

What just happened?

Well, in this case, since someone has visited this link before you, the file was cached with leveldb. But if you were to try and grab a bundle that nobody else has tried to grab before, what would happen is this:


There are a few API endpoints:

GET /bundle/:module

Get the latest version of :module.

GET /bundle/:module@:version

Get a version of :module which satisfies the given :version semver range. Defaults to latest.

GET /debug-bundle/:module

GET /debug-bundle/:module@:version

The same as the prior two, except with --debug passed to browserify.

GET /standalone/:module

GET /standalone/:module@:version

In this case, --standalone is passed to browserify.

GET /debug-standalone/:module

GET /debug-standalone/:module@:version

Both --debug and --standalone are passed to browserify!

POST /multi

POST a body that looks something like this:

  "options": {
    "debug": true
  "dependencies": {
    "concat-stream": "0.1.x",
    "hyperstream": "0.2.x"

"options" is where you get to set "debug", "standalone", and "fullPaths". Usually, in this case, you'll probably only really care about debug. If you don't define "options", it will default to { "debug": false, "standalone": false, "fullPaths": false }.

What you get in return looks something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Location: /multi/48GOmL0XvnRZn32bkpz75A==
content-type: application/json
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 22:36:32 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Transfer-Encoding: chunked

  "concat-stream": {
    "package": /* the concat-stream package.json */,
    "bundle": /* the concat-stream bundle */
  "hyperstream": {
    "package": /* the hyperstream package.json */,
    "bundle": /* the hyperstream bundle */

The bundle gets permanently cached at /multi/48GOmL0XvnRZn32bkpz75A== for future GETs.

GET /multi/:existing-bundle

If you saved the Location url from the POST earlier, you can just GET it instead of POSTing again.

GET /status/:module

GET /status/:module@:version

Get information on the build status of a module. Returns build information for all versions which satisfy the given semver (or latest in the event of a missing semver).

Blobs generally look something like this:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
X-Powered-By: Express
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 109
ETag: "-9450086"
Date: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:05:59 GMT
Connection: keep-alive

  "module": "concat-stream",
  "builds": {
    "1.4.1": {
      "ok": true

The "module" and "builds" fields should both exist. Keys for "builds" are the versions. Properties:

Versions which have not been built will not be keyed onto "builds".


wzrd.in requires docker to run, which it uses to create build environments.

Once docker is installed, do the typical steps:

git clone git@github.com:jfhbrook/wzrd.in.git
cd wzrd.in
npm install

App configuration is handled via environment variables:

Before starting wzrd.in, you have to build the docker image used by the builder. This can be done by properly configuring your environment (ie, setting WZRDIN_DOCKER_TAG as appropriate) and running:

npm run bootstrap

Once that's done, you should be off to the races:

npm start

Note that running wzrd.in in docker itself is currently unsupported.


MIT/X11, see LICENSE file.