



Neovim task runner: JSON/YAML + toggleterm.nvim + telescope.nvim.


usage video example

Other options

If you're looking for even more features I'd recommend trying overseer.nvim, as toggletasks.nvim probably won't be receiving new features in the nearest future. See https://github.com/jedrzejboczar/toggletasks.nvim/issues/16#issuecomment-1460742344 for more info.


The main idea behind this plugin is to be able to easily define build/setup commands for different projects, independently of your global editor configuration and to easily manage multiple background tasks.

This task management plugin is heavily inspired by plugins such as yabs.nvim and projectlaunch.nvim, as well as by VS Code Tasks. In fact, initially I planned to just extend projectlaunch.nvim but after some work I decided that it would require to much changes and it will be easier to write a separate plugin.

The main difference between toggletasks.nvim and other plugins is that toggletasks strictly integrates with existing solutions instead of writing things from scratch, i.e.

Other differences:


Example using packer.nvim:

use {
    requires = {
    -- To enable YAML config support
    rocks = 'lyaml',


Run require('toggletasks').setup { ... } in your init.lua to configure this plugin. Available options (with default values):

require('toggletasks').setup {
    debug = false,
    silent = false,  -- don't show "info" messages
    short_paths = true,  -- display relative paths when possible
    -- Paths (without extension) to task configuration files (relative to scanned directory)
    -- All supported extensions will be tested, e.g. '.toggletasks.json', '.toggletasks.yaml'
    search_paths = {
    -- Directories to consider when searching for available tasks for current window
    scan = {
        global_cwd = true,    -- vim.fn.getcwd(-1, -1)
        tab_cwd = true,       -- vim.fn.getcwd(-1, tab)
        win_cwd = true,       -- vim.fn.getcwd(win)
        lsp_root = true,      -- root_dir for first LSP available for the buffer
        dirs = {},            -- explicit list of directories to search or function(win): dirs
        rtp = false,          -- scan directories in &runtimepath
        rtp_ftplugin = false, -- scan in &rtp by filetype, e.g. ftplugin/c/toggletasks.json
    tasks = {}, -- list of global tasks or function(win): tasks
                -- this is basically the "Config format" defined using Lua tables
    -- Language server priorities when selecting lsp_root (default is 0)
    lsp_priorities = {
        ['null-ls'] = -10,
    -- Defaults used when opening task's terminal (see Terminal:new() in toggleterm/terminal.lua)
    toggleterm = {
        close_on_exit = false,
        hidden = true,
    -- Configuration of telescope pickers
    telescope = {
        spawn = {
            open_single = true,  -- auto-open terminal window when spawning a single task
            show_running = false, -- include already running tasks in picker candidates
            -- Replaces default select_* actions to spawn task (and change toggleterm
            -- direction for select horiz/vert/tab)
            mappings = {
                select_float = '<C-f>',
                spawn_smart = '<C-a>',  -- all if no entries selected, else use multi-select
                spawn_all = '<M-a>',    -- all visible entries
                spawn_selected = nil,   -- entries selected via multi-select (default <tab>)
        -- Replaces default select_* actions to open task terminal (and change toggleterm
        -- direction for select horiz/vert/tab)
        select = {
            mappings = {
                select_float = '<C-f>',
                open_smart = '<C-a>',
                open_all = '<M-a>',
                open_selected = nil,
                kill_smart = '<C-q>',
                kill_all = '<M-q>',
                kill_selected = nil,
                respawn_smart = '<C-s>',
                respawn_all = '<M-s>',
                respawn_selected = nil,

To load telescope pickers:


Config format

JSON configuration files are supported out-of-the-box via vim.json module. To enable YAML support, lyaml must be installed. It is possible to use packer to install luarocks, see Installation.

Available fields:

namestringdescriptive name for the task; pair (name, config_file) is used to uniquely identify a task (to kill existing if re-running or to filter out already running tasks in picker)
idstring?Optional ID to use instead of the default pair (name, config_file)
cmdstringCommand to run
cwdstring?Task working directory
tagstable<string>?Tags used to group and filter tasks
envtable<string, string>?Additional environmental variables passed to task
clear_envboolean?If set to true, only environmental variables from env will be passed to task
close_on_exitboolean?Auto-close terminal when task job exists (see toggleterm)
hiddenboolean?Don't include this task in toggleterm tasks list (see toggleterm)
countnumber?Use given terminal number (see toggleterm)

Variable expansion is supported using the syntax ${VAR} (escaped by double $, e.g. $${VAR} will expand to ${VAR}).

Environmental variables will be expanded in fields: cwd, env. Additionally some special variables will be expanded in fields: cmd, cwd, env. Available special variables (snake case to minimize collisions with env):

Vim filename-modifiers can be used inside the expansion to modify the paths (by default all paths are absoulte), e.g. ${file:t:r} will transform /path/to/my-file.txt into my-file.

JSON configuration example file:

    "tasks": [
            "name": "Echo example",
            "cmd": "echo 'Current file = ${file}'"
            "name": "System logs",
            "cmd": "journalctl -b --follow",
            "tags": ["dev"]
            "name": "Makefile build",
            "cmd": "make -j",
            "cwd": "${config_dir}",
            "tags": ["build", "make"]
            "name": "CMake setup",
            "cmd": "mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake ..",
            "cwd": "${config_dir}",
            "tags": ["cmake"]
            "name": "CMake build",
            "cmd": "cmake --build build -j",
            "cwd": "${config_dir}",
            "tags": ["build", "cmake"]
            "name": "django runserver",
            "cmd": "python manage.py runserver",
            "cwd": "${config_dir}",
            "env": {
                "PATH": "${config_dir}/venv/bin:${PATH}"
            "tags": ["dev"]
            "name": "frontend",
            "cmd": "npm run serve",
            "cwd": "${config_dir}/frontend",
            "tags": ["dev"]

YAML configuration example:

- name: Echo example
  cmd: echo 'Current file = ${file}'
- name: django runserver
  cmd: python manage.py runserver
  cwd: ${config_dir}
    PATH: ${config_dir}/venv/bin:${PATH}
  - dev

YAML configuration with anchors and aliases to share common keys:

# Common for commands that run in python virtual environment
_venv: &venv
  cwd: ${config_dir}
    PATH: ${config_dir}/venv/bin:${PATH}

  - name: django runserver
    cmd: python manage.py runserver
    <<: *venv

  - name: django test
    cmd: python manage.py test
    <<: *venv


To use this plugin use the included telescope pickers:

These commands can be mapped to keybindings, e.g.

vim.keymap.set('n', '<space>ts', require('telescope').extensions.toggletasks.spawn,
    { desc = 'toggletasks: spawn' })

When selecting tasks to be spawned, one can just type #tagname in the prompt to filter based on tag. This is currently using the default string based matching but should work correctly in most cases. To select all tasks that are currently visible press <C-a> (default). To manually pick tasks use <Tab>/<S-Tab> (telescope defaults) to perform multi-selection and press <C-a> to spawn selected tasks.


The following commands are available:

Automatic task spawning

It is possible to automatically launch tasks on autocmd events, e.g. to launch tasks on VimEnter or SessionLoadPost. This plugin exposes convenient function to achieve that.

For example, to launch all tasks marked with the auto tag whenever a session is loaded use:

require('toggletasks').auto_spawn('SessionLoadPost', 'auto')

The first argument (event) is the same as for vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd. For more fine grained auto_spawn can take a function as the second argument:

require('toggletasks').auto_spawn({'VimEnter', 'SessionLoadPost'}, function(tasks)
    return tasks
            return task.config.name ~= 'Hello world'

Global tasks

Sometimes it would be handy to share some common tasks between projects without the need to add config files to all of these. It might also be handy to only include some tasks for certain filetypes. There are several ways to achieve this in toggletasks.nvim.

  1. Put task config file somewhere under &runtimepath (e.g. ~/.config/nvim/toggletasks.json) and enable option scan.rtp = true. Note that this adds a lot of paths for scanning so in theory it might have some performance impact (but probably not noticeable).

  2. Put task config files for given filetypes under ftplugin/FILETYPE in &runtimepath and enable the option scan.rtp_ftplugin = true (should be much faster than 1.). For example, to add Lua-specific tasks one could add a file ~/.config/nvim/ftplugin/lua/toggletasks.json.

  3. Use the setup option scan.dirs as a function(win), and return the directories in which to search for task config files. You can use the win argument to get the filetype of current buffer, or to check any other conditions, which can be used to select specific directories with task config files.

  4. Define tasks directly in Lua in your setup function. Use a function to have even more control over which tasks should be included, e.g.

require('toggletasks').setup {
    tasks = function(win)
        local ft = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(win), 'filetype')
        local tasks = {
                name = 'Some task',
                cmd = 'echo "hello"'
        if ft == 'lua' then
            -- table.insert(tasks, { name = ... })
        return tasks
    -- ...