R project workflows
This is a non-exhaustive list of R code that assists with the workflow of R projects. Some are R packages, others are Git repositories meant to be used as templates, and some are guides. Here "workflow" is broadly defined, and includes one or more of the following: file organization, dependency management (e.g. like GNU Make), or report generation.
Please feel free to send a PR with a link to an additional project.
- adapr
- analysis_framework
- archivist
- awesome-rmarkdown
- blogdown
- blogR
- bookdown
- cabinets
- cboettig/template
- CRAN Task View: Reproducible Research
- crsh/template
- DataKit
- DataPackageR
- drake
- Executable Research Compendium
- exreport
- flowr
- knitr
- knitr-jekyll
- knowledge-repo
- liangyy/template_r_documentation
- lnraw
- makebio (Python)
- makepipe
- makeProject
- manuscriptPackage
- notestar
- Open Analytics template package (example)
- orderly
- Pakillo/template
- pavopax/new-project-template
- pkgdown
- poirot
- privefl/rmarkdown-website-template
- prodigenr
- projects
- ProjectTemplate
- rddj-template
- remake
- repo
- reportfactory
- repoGenerator
- reports
- represtools
- repro
- reproducr
- researchcompendium
- rflow
- rmarkdown
- rmd-notebook
- rmflight: Analyses as Packages
- rOpenSci Guide to Reproducible Research
- rosr
- rostools
- rr-init
- rrtools
- rsmith
- RSuite
- ruigi
- samatha
- sjessa/rr
- starters (formerly pRojects)
- startyourlab/r-project-template
- timoast/notebook-template
- tinyProject
- trackdown
- usethis
- workflowr
- zoon