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netcode.io is a connection-oriented protocol built on top of UDP.

It's designed for use in client/server games with dedicated servers.

It has the following security features:

netcode.io has been used in several AAA game projects and is stable and mature.

How does it work?

Please refer to the second half of this whitepaper: Why can't I send UDP packets from a browser?

For a complete technical specification, read the netcode 1.02 standard.

Source Code

This repository holds the implementation of netcode.io in C.

Other netcode.io repositories include:


These people are awesome:

Thanks for your contributions to netcode.io!


The author of this library is Glenn Fiedler.

Glenn wrote an article series about the development of this library called Building a Game Network Protocol.

Other open source libraries by the same author include: yojimbo and reliable.io


netcode.io was generously sponsored by:

And by individual supporters on Patreon. Thank you. You made this possible!


BSD 3-Clause license.