

<img alt='Rapper necklace with dollar pendant' src='https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10758879/167485870-5c49284d-a783-453e-8be0-a3597c2ef97c.png' height='64' align='right' />


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Repper is a regular expression pretty printer and formatter for Ruby.


gem install repper, or add it to your Gemfile.


repper can be integrated into the REPL (e.g. IRB) through core extensions for Regexp pretty-printing, integrated into editors to format Regexps, or called manually.

There are also a few customization options.

REPL integration

Via Regexp#inspect (recommended)

require 'repper/core_ext/regexp' in your ~/.irbrc or ~/.pryrc to override Regexp#inspect and automatically use repper to display Regexps:

<img width="475" alt="screenshot1" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10758879/167719748-60f4013a-c8d4-4a62-843a-d9f27057bcd3.png">

Via Kernel#pp

Alternatively, require 'repper/core_ext/kernel' to make the pp command give nicer output for Regexps (which will look like above by default).

Editor integration

Use vscode-repper to format Regexps in VSCode.


Using Repper manually

Repper.call(/foo/)   # pretty prints the given Regexp and returns nil
Repper.render(/foo/) # returns the pretty print String


Customizing the format

Multiple formats are available out of the box:

You can change the format globally:

Repper.format = :structured

Or pick a format on a case-by-case basis:

<img width="711" alt="screenshot2" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10758879/167719567-ae8ee42f-839e-4ce4-af56-a139044d3436.png">

Or create your own format:

require 'csv'

csv_format = ->(tokens, _theme) { tokens.map(&:text).to_csv }
Repper.render(/re[\p{pe}\r]$/, format: csv_format)
=> "/,re,[,\\p{pe},\\r,],$,/\n"

Customizing the colors

The color theme can also be set globally or passed on call:

Repper.theme = :monokai # a nicer theme, if the terminal supports it
<img width="478" alt="screenshot3" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/10758879/167719807-9170ba92-48d1-4669-a05d-a72f962b961d.png">
Repper.call(/foo/, theme: nil) # render without colors

Or create your own theme - you can use all colors supported by the rainbow gem.

Repper.theme = {
  group:   :green,
  set:     :red,
  default: :white,


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/jaynetics/repper.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.