

COVID-19 Global History Data API

<img src="https://i.ibb.co/1Mb9Df8/covid19global.png" alt="covid-19 global update" width="40%">

Coronavirus Global History Data Collector and API<br>

This is sub-project for better understanding, analysis and visualize COVID-19 data in the UK.<br> Main Project: https://github.com/isjeffcom/coronvirusFigureUK

API List

HTTP GET: http://global.covid19uk.live


/realtime: Get Real Time Data (provided by https://covid19api.com/) /current: Get Saved Global Data (1 Day Delay) <br> /data?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>: Search data by date <br> /data?country=<COUNTRY>: Search data in country level <br> /data?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>&country=<COUNTRY>: Search data by date and country <br> /data?place=<PROVINCE>: Search data in province level <br> /data?date=<YYYY-MM-DD>&place=<PROVINCE>: Search data by date and province <br>

Standard date format: YYYY-MM-DD

Countries and Provinces list

The full countries and provinces list in in /list, however, as the data is keep updating, run those 2 JS scripts eg. node country.js can generate a new list.

<b>Be aware</b><br> Mainland China === China Mainland <br> Hong Kong === PRC Hong Kong <br> Macau === PRC Macau <br> Taiwan === ROC Taiwan (China) <br>

United Kingdom

use UK for early UK data use United Kingdom for later UK data


The data collection code in init.py -> main() needs to fit the CSV data format published by JH CSSE. As they have changed data format for 3 times, and maybe more for the future. The script needs to constantly monitor and change if any changed.


There are not much access barriers for this public API. The only thing I ask for is: <br>

<b>PLEASE</b> do not attack or harm the server as this is not build for profit, it's for people to obtain and understand information<br> <b>PLEASE</b> be careful when you testing this API in your product as it could be potentially create damage<br> <b>PLEASE</b> make sure you have cached data on your side if you are building a product to customer as this API is not guaranteed 24/7 stable.<br>

Getting Started


  1. Install Python(2 or 3), git and MySQL to your environment
  2. Install PyMySQL by pip install PyMySQL
  3. Rename conf_tmp.json to conf.json and config your database
  4. Excute python init.py

That's it, you have global covid-19 data in your database history table and cached in /data folder as JSON format


  1. Install NodeJs
  2. Excute npm i && npm run dev to start up API server

The server will running at: http://localhost:8003


<b>excute python update.py</b><br><br> You can set up a timer for this by corn or node-schedule, maybe any, once a day


Thanks for Johns Hopkins CSSE provide this dataset. They are doing a great job.<br> https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19


You can use NodeJs to excute python update by a function I placed in index.js call forceUpdate().

Partnered Projects

UK API: https://github.com/isjeffcom/coronvirusFigureUK <br> Global API: https://github.com/isjeffcom/coronavirusDataGlobal <br> ML Prediction: https://github.com/lamharrison/coronavirus-machine-learning <br>


If you are using this API, please join this discussion board. Keep updated for any significant changes!! <br> https://spectrum.chat/covid-19-uk-update <br><br> WeChat Group:<br> <img src="https://i.ibb.co/WtrbwVY/nn.jpg" width="20%">

https://isjeff.com hello@isjeff.com