

Terraform Operator CLI [tfo]

A CLI tool to aid in discovering TFO managed pods and running debug sessions


Binary files will be created when the cli is released

Requires golang 1.17

You can manually build the project by:

  1. Download the repo https://github.com/isaaguilar/terraform-operator-cli
  2. Run the go build command
git clone https://github.com/isaaguilar/terraform-operator-cli.git
cd terraform-operator-cli
go build -o tfo main.go
mv tfo /usr/local/bin


Run tfo help for all options.

tfo show

Shows tfo resources. See the tfo resources in a namespace by running tfo show

tfo show


tfo show --namespace foo

tfo debug

Opens a debug session.

tfo debug <tf-resource-name>


kubectl apply --namespace default -f - << EOF
apiVersion: tf.isaaguilar.com/v1alpha2
kind: Terraform
  name: stable
    source: https://github.com/isaaguilar/simple-aws-tf-modules.git//create_file
  backend: |-
    terraform {
      backend "kubernetes" {
        secret_suffix    = "stable"
        in_cluster_config  = true
  ignoreDelete: false

Output should look like:

terraform.tf.isaaguilar.com/stable configured

Then run a debug pod:

tfo debug --namespace default stable

This command will create a pod on the cluster using the tfo resource for configuration. The pod puts the user in the terraform module.

Connecting to stable-2huxns3o-v3-debug-xhhtg.....

Try running 'terraform init'


Finally, debug and exit.

/home/tfo-runner/generations/3/main$ terraform plan
null_resource.write_file: Refreshing state... [id=2066474016391370391]

No changes. Your infrastructure matches the configuration.

Terraform has compared your real infrastructure against your configuration and found no differences, so no changes are needed.

/home/tfo-runner/generations/3/main$ exit

Notice the debug pod terminates as soon as the user exits.

kubectl get po | grep stable-2huxns3o-v3-debug-xhhtg
stable-2huxns3o-v3-debug-xhhtg                 1/1     Terminating   0          4m20s