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<img width="800" alt="Package Managers Task Force" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4827522/61231640-60005e00-a6e1-11e9-872e-950de6310bc3.png">


In 2019, this working group focused on making IPFS a usable platform for package managers. The working group has been spun down in favor of focusing on improving the core protocol but this repo still contains quite a few important learnings and experiments.

In this group, we:

Why are package managers important to the future of IPFS?

Goals for IPFS and package managers

  1. Get the package manager maintainer community excited about the benefits of using IPFS in their ecosystems
  2. Demonstrate to package consumers that IPFS is holistically better than current centralized package managers (this may mean parity on some use cases, but significantly better on others)
  3. Increase awareness and engagement with IPFS (either to build new tools, or contribute directly) among package manager users/package publishers


Starter reading

There's a wealth of research, analysis and other tasty info to be found in the docs directory, but if you're just getting started with package managers and IPFS, you may want to start with these:

Current IPFS integrations

These package managers already have some form of IPFS integration underway. If you're a package manager maintainer and want to be in this list, please reach out. :smile:


There are still some current issues with IPFS that are limiting package manager adoption today.

Package Manager Maintainer Service Blueprint

Video walkthrough Screen Shot 2019-10-17 at 10 54 44 PM


All documents are licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license © 2019 Protocol Labs Inc. Any code is under an MIT license.