

<div align="center"> <img src="others/images/logo/export.png" height="100px" alt="Logo"> </div> <div align="center"> <b><i>Platform for Automatic Analysis of Malicious Applications<br>Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms</i></b> </div> <br>

Description 🖼️

dike ( pronounced /ˈdaɪkiː/) is an open-source platform combining the fields of malware analysis with the one of artificial intelligence, more precisely the machine learning subfield.

Objectives 🎯

At the moment, dike is capable only of analyzing Portable Executable and Object Linking and Embedding formats. Besides this limitation, it has three main objectives:

  1. Regression of malice
  2. Classification in malware families
  3. Similarity analysis.

Features 🧰

The software enables the creation of analysis pipelines (named in the context of the platform models), which deals with the specific steps of the malware analysis and data engineering:

  1. Dataset management, where it uses three main sources of labeled PE and OLE files:
    • The open-source dataset DikeDataset
    • Accurate results of analysis made by the analysts of the organization in which the platform is set up
    • Results of automatic VirusTotal scans
  2. Features extraction, in which extractors are used to obtain relevant information such as:
    • Strings
    • Characteristics of the file format
    • Opcodes
    • Windows API calls
    • Macros
  3. Features preprocessing, where preprocessors are used to transform the features into a more friendly format for the machine learning algorithms
    • Transformations
      • Binarization
      • Discretization
      • Counting (and in a special approach, for categories of opcodes and API calls)
      • Vectorization
      • NGrams
    • Scaling
    • Dimensionality reduction
  4. Training of machine learning models with included cross-validation and evaluation (regression-wise and classification-wise).

Important Observation ⚠️

dike is part of my Bachelor thesis, which aims at demonstrating that the artificial intelligence techniques can improve the malware analysis. The document and the presentation (in Romanian 🇷🇴 only) can be found in a separate repository.

At the moment, this is the only place where some relevant information can be found:

Setup 🛠️

  1. Download the script manage.sh from the folder infrastructure.
  2. Obtain a VirusTotal API key.
  3. Create and host (on a server which the platform can access) a TGZ archive containing two folders, ghidra (with a Ghidra project) and qiling (with the dynamically linked libraries needed by Qiling).
  4. Run the script and follow the instructions.
<details> <summary>Setup Example</summary> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/LnsWrugTTUZDCWxdAD0kKFv8k" target="_blank"> <img src="https://asciinema.org/a/LnsWrugTTUZDCWxdAD0kKFv8k.svg" alt="Setup Example"/> </a> </details>

For Private Repositories 🙊

If the repository hosting the platform is private, there are two steps that needs to be performed before:

  1. Generate an asymmetric key pair via ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "EMAIL_ADDRESS", where EMAIL_ADDRESS need to be populated with your email address.
  2. Add the public one into the GitHub's deployment key section.

Typical Usage 🔎

For Clients 👨‍💼

<details> <summary>Malice Prediction</summary> <kbd> <img src="others/screenshots/malice.png" alt="Malice Prediction"/> </kbd> </details> <details> <summary>Similarity Analysis</summary> <kbd> <img src="others/screenshots/similarity.png" alt="Similarity Analysis"/> </kbd> </details> <details> <summary>Feature-wise Comparison of Samples</summary> <kbd> <img src="others/screenshots/comparison.png" alt="Feature-wise Comparison of Samples"/> </kbd> </details> <details> <summary>Model Evaluation</summary> <kbd> <img src="others/screenshots/evaluation.png" alt="Model Evaluation"/> </kbd> </details> <details> <summary>Settings</summary> <kbd> <img src="others/screenshots/settings.png" alt="Settings"/> </kbd> </details>

For Administrators 👩‍💻

A powerful command line interface can be used by the administrators, by running the dike command on a leader server. Some available commands are demonstrated in the recording below.

<details> <summary>Connections with Subordinate Servers</summary> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/f6k6QUcNMqauB7fayjdIZ43X8" target="_blank"> <img src="https://asciinema.org/a/f6k6QUcNMqauB7fayjdIZ43X8.svg" alt="Connections with Subordinate Servers"/> </a> </details> <details> <summary>Datasets</summary> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/fMbv7d57Hg0hIbA1sK1wCAcex" target="_blank"> <img src="https://asciinema.org/a/fMbv7d57Hg0hIbA1sK1wCAcex.svg" alt="Datasets"/> </a> </details> <details> <summary>Training and Management of Models</summary> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/dFlup8OWwSvJVR7li70AZ0NhM" target="_blank"> <img src="https://asciinema.org/a/dFlup8OWwSvJVR7li70AZ0NhM.svg" alt="Training and Management of Models"/> </a> </details> <details> <summary>Predictions with Models</summary> <a href="https://asciinema.org/a/puTJEIuhZOEKn7tSEh8627Zfi" target="_blank"> <img src="https://asciinema.org/a/puTJEIuhZOEKn7tSEh8627Zfi.svg" alt="Predictions with Models"/> </a> </details>

The administrators use also manual editing of YAML files, respecting a schema depending on the context in which the file is used. Some existing files (one per type, only for exampling purposes) has comments to document these schemas as follows:

For Other Systems 🖥️

Other systems of the organization can use the scan services of the platform, creating HTTP or HTTPS (depending on the configuration) requests to the following API endpoints.

/get_malware_familiesRetrieves the used malware families.
/get_evaluation/MODEL_NAMERetrieves the evaluation of a model.
/get_configuration/MODEL_NAMERetrieves the configuration.
/get_features/MODEL_NAME/FILE_HASHRetrieves the features of a file from the platform's dataset.
/create_ticket/MODEL_NAMECreates a prediction ticket.
/get_ticket/TICKET_NAMERetrieves the content of a prediction ticket.
/publish/MODEL_NAMEPublishes for a specific model the results of a scan.

Resources 🥣

The most important used resources are listed in the table below.

GhidraSoftware reverse engineering frameworkrepository
VirusTotal APIScanning API that aggregates multiple antivirus engineswebsite
QilingPython 3 emulation frameworkrepository
PandasPython 3 data analysis and manipulation libraryrepository
scikit-learnPython 3 machine learning libraryrepository
Python 3General-purpose programming languagewebsite
DockerSoftware product for OS-level virtualizationwebsite
Docker ComposeTool for running multi-container applications on Dockerrepository
GitHubGit repository hosting servicewebsite
YAMLData-serialization languagewebsite