Bachelor Thesis 📕
Description 📖
This repository contains documents and sources related to my Bachelor thesis, mostly LaTeX source code and StarUML diagrams.
The name of the thesis is "Platformă de Analiză Automată a Aplicațiilor Malițioase prin Utilizarea unor Algoritmi de Inteligență Artificială" (in English, "Platform for Automatic Analysis of Malicious Applications Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms") and it was written at Military Technical Academy "Ferdinand I" Bucharest. The implementation of the project described inside can be found in a separate repository, dike
The templates that were created and used for these documents can be found in a separate repository, MTABachelorThesisTemplates
Preview 👀
Thesis | Presentation |
<a href="thesis/thesis.pdf"><kbd><img src="thesis/preview.png" width="400px" alt="Thesis preview"></kbd></a> | <a href="presentation/presentation.pdf"><kbd><img src="presentation/preview.png" width="400px" alt="Presentation preview"></kbd></a> |