

<div align="center"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/informalsystems/apalache/99e58d6f5eebcc41f432a126a13a5f8d2ae7afe6/logo-apalache.svg" alt="Apalache Logo"> <h1><a href="https://apalache-mc.org/">APALACHE</a></h1> <p>A symbolic model checker for TLA+<p> </div>

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Apalache translates TLA+ into the logic supported by SMT solvers such as Microsoft Z3. Apalache can check inductive invariants (for fixed or bounded parameters) and check safety of bounded executions (bounded model checking). To see the list of supported TLA+ constructs, check the supported features. In general, Apalache runs under the same assumptions as TLC. However, Apalache benefits from constraint solving and can handle potentially larger state-spaces, e.g., involving integer clocks and Byzantine faults.

To learn more about TLA+, visit Leslie Lamport's page on TLA+ and his Video course.


Check the releases page for our latest release.

For a stable release, we recommend that you pull the latest docker image with docker pull ghcr.io/apalache-mc/apalache:main, use the jar from the most recent release, or checkout the source code from the most recent release tag.

To try the latest cool features, check out the head of the main branch.

You can also find Apalache packaged via Nix at cosmos.nix

For more information on installation options, see the manual.

Success stories

Check Apalache examples that demonstrate how to use the strengths of Apalache. Also, check the standard repository of TLA+ examples.

Getting started


Funding and Sponsorship

Currently, Apalache is not funded by any organization. As a result, it is de-facto funded by its current maintainers and contributors, including Igor Konnov, Jure Kukovec, and Thomas Pani. If you would like to sponsor the project, please contact us, or simply sponsor us on GitHub by clicking the "Sponsor" button!

Reloading Apalache

We are grateful for the past financial support in the form of grants or employment from the following organizations:

More details on the Funding page.


Our current website is served at https://apalache-mc.org .

The site is hosted by github, and changes can be made through PRs into the gh-pages branch of this repository. See the README.md on that branch for more information.

The user documentation is automatically deployed to the website branch as per the CI configuration.

<!-- TODO:this section should go to the website ## Talks - [Informal Systems Tutorial: TLA+ Basics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peKYddIvCIs) - [Extended version of the Apalache tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ml7d_3vlH88). TLA+ tutorial at DISC 2021 (October 2021). - [How TLA+ and Apalache Helped Us to Design the Tendermint Light Client](https://www.crowdcast.io/e/interchain-conversations-II/38). Interchain Conversations 2020 (December 2020). - [Model-based testing with TLA+ and Apalache](https://youtu.be/aveoIMphzW8). TLA+ Community Event 2020 (October 2020). - [Type inference for TLA+ in Apalache](https://youtu.be/hnp25hmCMN8). TLA+ Community Event 2020 (October 2020). - [Formal Spec and Model Checking of the Tendermint Blockchain Synchronization Protocol](https://youtu.be/h2Ovc1KWlXM) 2nd Workshop on Formal Methods for Blockchains (July 2020). - [Showing safety of Tendermint Consensus with TLA+ and Apalache](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF20-28sMII). Dev session at Informal Systems (May 2020). - [TLA+ model checking made symbolic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e66FGgRzaqw) OOPSLA 2019 (October 2019). - [Bounded model checking of TLA+ specifications with SMT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xl1--arESl8) TLA+ Community Event 2018 (July 2018). --> <!-- TODO: This section should also go to the website ## Academic papers To read an academic paper about the theory behind Apalache, check our [paper at OOPSLA19](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3360549). For the details of our novel encoding using SMT arrays, check our [paper at TACAS23](https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-30823-9_7). Related reports and publications can be found at the [Apalache page at TU Wien](http://forsyte.at/research/apalache/). -->