

Efficient Apalache

Examples of efficiently using Apalache for model checking TLA<sup>+</sup> and Quint specifications. If you are looking for general TLA<sup>+</sup> examples, check TLA+ Examples.

Ben-Or 83Igor KonnovFun projectTLA<sup>+</sup>Checking safety of Ben-Or's probabilistic consensus that tolerates Byzantine failures.
distributed-termination-detectionGiuliano LosaTLA<sup>+</sup>Formalization of a distributed termination-detection algorithm, including a proof checked with Apalache
labyrinthIgor KonnovFun projectTLA<sup>+</sup>Simple exploration in a 2D-labyrinth
matter-labs-chonkybftIgor Konnov, Denis KolegovMatter LabsQuintBFT consensus by Matter Labs
tendermint-accountabilityZarko Milosevic, Igor KonnovInformal SystemsTLA<sup>+</sup>BFT consensus in Tendermint/CometBFT blockchains
tendermint-light-clientJosef Widder, Igor KonnovInformal SystemsTLA<sup>+</sup>Light client for Tendermint/CometBFT blockchains
TetraBFTGiuliano LosaTLA<sup>+</sup>Checking safety and liveness of TetraBFT consensus
tla-apalache-workshopIgor Konnov et. al.Informal SystemsTLA<sup>+</sup>Apalache examples produced when teaching TLA<sup>+</sup> at Informal Systems
zksync-governanceDenis Kolegov, Igor KonnovMatter LabsQuintSpecification of the ZKsync Governance smart contracts

Note: Whenever a specification cannot be directly included in this repository, we give proper links to the specifications in the employer's or customer's GitHub repository.