

Remora Fetcher

Grafana Graph

The Remora Fetcher fetches consumer group descriptions from Remora and ingests the data into KariosDB

$ ./remora-fetcher.py -h
usage: remora-fetcher.py [-h] [-k KAIROSDB_API] [-r REMORA_API]
                         [-p POLL_INTERVAL] [-d]

Fetches events from Remora and ingests it into KairosDB.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -k KAIROSDB_API   The URL of the KairosDB API, the default is
  -r REMORA_API     The URL of the Remora API, the default is
  -p POLL_INTERVAL  The poll interval in seconds, the default is 10
  -d                Enables debug messages

Example: remora-fetcher.py -r