


Versatile icebox plugins for advanced networking scenarios in NixOS.

What is it?

Intended to work out-of-box without any complicated configuration, netkit.nix is a set of icebox purely declarative plugins for networking scenarios, such as versatile transparent proxy, sharing Wi-Fi through Wi-Fi.

How to use it?

  1. Add netkit to flake using inputs.netkit.url = "github:icebox-nix/netkit.nix";.
  2. Add module netkit.nixosModule to your flake.nix's nixosConfiguration.modules list.
  3. Configure modules on your needs. For details, see wiki page.
  netkit = {
     clash = {
       enable = true;
       redirPort =
         7892; # This must be the same with the one in your clash.yaml
     wifi-relay = {
       interface = "wlp0s20f3"; # Change according to your device
       ssid = "netkit.nix";
       passphrase = "88888888";
     xmm7360 = {
  	 enable = true;
       autoStart = true;
       config = {
         mycard = {
           apn = "3gnet";
           nodefaultroute = false;
           noresolv = true;
       package = pkgs.xmm7360-pci_5_7;

List of plugins available

Flake Outputs

│   ├───aarch64-linux
│   │   ├───atomdns: derivation 'atomdns-0.2.0'
│   │   ├───chinalist: derivation 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
│   │   ├───maxmind-geoip: derivation 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
│   │   └───overture: derivation 'overture-1.6.1'
│   ├───i686-linux
│   │   ├───atomdns: derivation 'atomdns-0.2.0'
│   │   ├───chinalist: derivation 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
│   │   ├───maxmind-geoip: derivation 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
│   │   └───overture: derivation 'overture-1.6.1'
│   ├───x86_64-darwin
│   │   ├───atomdns: derivation 'atomdns-0.2.0'
│   │   ├───chinalist: derivation 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
│   │   ├───maxmind-geoip: derivation 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
│   │   └───overture: derivation 'overture-1.6.1'
│   └───x86_64-linux
│       ├───atomdns: derivation 'atomdns-0.2.0'
│       ├───chinalist: derivation 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
│       ├───dcompass-bin: derivation 'dcompass-bin-git'
│       ├───maxmind-geoip: derivation 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
│       ├───overture: derivation 'overture-1.6.1'
│       ├───subconverter: derivation 'subconverter-0.6.4'
│       ├───xmm7360-pci_5_4: derivation 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
│       ├───xmm7360-pci_latest: derivation 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
│       ├───xmm7360-pci_latest_hardened: derivation 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
│       ├───xmm7360-pci_zen: derivation 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
│       └───yacd: derivation 'yacd'
├───nixosModule: unknown
├───overlay: Nixpkgs overlay
    │   ├───atomdns: package 'atomdns-0.2.0'
    │   ├───chinalist: package 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
    │   ├───maxmind-geoip: package 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
    │   └───overture: package 'overture-1.6.1'
    │   ├───atomdns: package 'atomdns-0.2.0'
    │   ├───chinalist: package 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
    │   ├───maxmind-geoip: package 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
    │   └───overture: package 'overture-1.6.1'
    │   ├───atomdns: package 'atomdns-0.2.0'
    │   ├───chinalist: package 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
    │   ├───maxmind-geoip: package 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
    │   └───overture: package 'overture-1.6.1'
        ├───atomdns: package 'atomdns-0.2.0'
        ├───chinalist: package 'chinalist-raw-2020-12-20'
        ├───dcompass-bin: package 'dcompass-bin-git'
        ├───maxmind-geoip: package 'maxmind-geoip-20201212'
        ├───overture: package 'overture-1.6.1'
        ├───subconverter: package 'subconverter-0.6.4'
        ├───xmm7360-pci_5_4: package 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
        ├───xmm7360-pci_latest: package 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
        ├───xmm7360-pci_latest_hardened: package 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
        ├───xmm7360-pci_zen: package 'xmm7360-pci-2020-01-15'
        └───yacd: package 'yacd'