

<h1 align="center"> <img src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1166872/47954055-97e6cb80-dfc0-11e8-991f-230fd40481e5.png" alt="yacd"> </h1>

Yet Another Clash Dashboard


The site http://yacd.haishan.me is served with HTTP not HTTPS is because many browsers block requests to HTTP resources from a HTTPS website. If you think it's not safe, you could just download the zip of the gh-pages, unzip and serve those static files with a web server(like Nginx).

Docker image

docker run -p 1234:80 -d --name yacd --rm ghcr.io/haishanh/yacd:master

# and then open http://localhost:1234 in your browser

Supported URL query params

hostnameHostname of the clash backend API (usually the host part of external-controller)
portPort of the clash backend API (usually the port part of external-controller)
secretClash API secret (secret in your config.yaml)
themeUI color scheme (dark, light, auto)


# install dependencies
# you may install pnpm with `npm i -g pnpm`
pnpm i

# start the dev server
# then go to the url printed on the screen
pnpm start

# build optimized assets
# ready to deploy assets will be in the directory `public`
pnpm build