

Adhan Dart / Flutter

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Adhan Dart is a well tested and well documented library for calculating Islamic prayer times. Adhan Dart is written to be compatible with Dart and Dart Native / Flutter / Android / iOS / Web etc... devices of all api versions. It has a small method overhead, and has no external dependencies.

All astronomical calculations are high precision equations directly from the book “Astronomical Algorithms” by Jean Meeus. This book is recommended by the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Earth System Research Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Implementations of Adhan in other languages can be found in the parent repo Adhan .


A simple usage example:

import 'package:adhan/adhan.dart';

main() {
  print('My Prayer Times');
  final myCoordinates = Coordinates(23.9088, 89.1220); // Replace with your own location lat, lng.
  final params = CalculationMethod.karachi.getParameters();
  params.madhab = Madhab.hanafi;
  final prayerTimes = PrayerTimes.today(myCoordinates, params);

  print("---Today's Prayer Times in Your Local Timezone(${prayerTimes.fajr.timeZoneName})---");


  // Custom Timezone Usage. (Most of you won't need this).
  print('NewYork Prayer Times');
  final newYork = Coordinates(35.7750, -78.6336);
  final nyUtcOffset = Duration(hours: -4);
  final nyDate = DateComponents(2015, 7, 12);
  final nyParams = CalculationMethod.north_america.getParameters();
  nyParams.madhab = Madhab.hanafi;
  final nyPrayerTimes = PrayerTimes(newYork, nyDate, nyParams, utcOffset: nyUtcOffset);

See Flutter Example Folder for Flutter Usage Example with Dynamic Location From GPS.

also, you can run pub run adhan to test quickly based on Hanafi, Karachi parameters. *alternatively, without installing in project, you can run pub global activate adhan and then run pub global run adhan to test quickly.

Initialization parameters


Create a Coordinates object with the latitude and longitude for the location you want prayer times for.

final coordinates = new Coordinates(35.78056, -78.6389);

/// Coordinates Validation Support [Optional],
/// to Support validation, use [validate: true] param, default: false

final validateTrue = new Coordinates(91.78056, -78.6389, validate: true); // Invalid Coordinates, will throw ArgumentError

final validateFalse = new Coordinates(91.78056, -78.6389, validate: false); // Invalid Coordinates, won't throw ArgumentError


The date parameter passed in should be an instance of the DateComponents object. The year, month, and day values need to be populated. All other values will be ignored. The year, month and day values should be for the local date that you want prayer times for. These date values are expected to be for the Gregorian calendar. There's also a convenience method for converting a DateTime to DateComponents.

final date = DateComponents(2015, 11, 1);
// or
final date = DateComponents.from(DateTime.now());

Calculation parameters

The rest of the needed information is contained within the CalculationParameters class. Instead of manually initializing this class, it is recommended to use one of the pre-populated instances in the CalculationMethod class. You can then further customize the calculation parameters if needed.

final params = CalculationMethod.muslim_world_league.getParameters();
params.madhab = Madhab.hanafi;
params.adjustments.fajr = 2;
methodCalculationMethod name
fajrAngleAngle of the sun used to calculate Fajr
maghribAngleThe angle of the sun used to calculate Maghrib
ishaAngleAngle of the sun used to calculate Isha
ishaIntervalMinutes after Maghrib (if set, the time for Isha will be Maghrib plus ishaInterval)
madhabValue from the Madhab object, used to calculate Asr
highLatitudeRuleValue from the HighLatitudeRule object, used to set a minimum time for Fajr and a max time for Isha
adjustmentsPrayerAdjustments object with custom prayer time adjustments in minutes for each prayer time


muslim_world_leagueMuslim World League. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 17
egyptianEgyptian General Authority of Survey. Fajr angle: 19.5, Isha angle: 17.5
karachiUniversity of Islamic Sciences, Karachi. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 18
umm_al_quraUmm al-Qura University, Makkah. Fajr angle: 18, Isha interval: 90. Note: you should add a +30 minute custom adjustment for Isha during Ramadan.
dubaiMethod used in UAE. Fajr and Isha angles of 18.2 degrees.
qatarModified version of Umm al-Qura used in Qatar. Fajr angle: 18, Isha interval: 90.
kuwaitMethod used by the country of Kuwait. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 17.5
moonsighting_committeeMoonsighting Committee. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 18. Also uses seasonal adjustment values.
singaporeMethod used by Singapore. Fajr angle: 20, Isha angle: 18.
north_americaReferred to as the ISNA method. This method is included for completeness but is not recommended. Fajr angle: 15, Isha angle: 15
turkeyTurkey. Fajr angle: 18, Isha angle: 17
tehranTehran. Fajr angle: 17.7, Isha angle: 14, Maghrib Angle: 4.5
otherFajr angle: 0, Isha angle: 0. This is the default value for method when initializing a CalculationParameters object.


shafiEarlier Asr time
hanafiLater Asr time


middle_of_the_nightFajr will never be earlier than the middle of the night and Isha will never be later than the middle of the night
seventh_of_the_nightFajr will never be earlier than the beginning of the last seventh of the night and Isha will never be later than the end of the first seventh of the night
twilight_angleSimilar to SEVENTH_OF_THE_NIGHT, but instead of 1/7, the fraction of the night used is fajrAngle/60 and ishaAngle/60

Prayer Times

Once the PrayerTimes object has been initialized it will contain values for all five prayer times and the time for sunrise. The prayer times will be DateTime object instances initialized with Local values (converted from UTC via .toLocal method). To display these times for a different timezone than local a UTC Offset should be used, for example Duration.

final kushtiaUtcOffset = Duration(hours: 6);
final newYorkUtcOffset = Duration(hours: -4);
// then pass your offset to PrayerTimes like this:
final prayerTimes = PrayerTimes(coordinates, date, params, utcOffset: newYorkUtcOffset);


timeForPrayerDateTime instance
currentPrayerPrayer enum instance
currentPrayerByDateTimePrayer enum instance
nextPrayerPrayer enum instance
nextPrayerByDateTimePrayer enum instance

Sunnah Times

final prayerTimes = PrayerTimes(coordinates, date, params, utcOffset: newYorkUtcOffset);
final sunnahTimes = SunnahTimes(prayerTimes);
// and then access
/// The midpoint between Maghrib and Fajr
/// The beginning of the last third of the period between Maghrib and Fajr,
/// a recommended time to perform Qiyam


final qibla = Qibla(coordinates);
/// Qibla direction degree (Compass/Clockwise)

Features and bugs

Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.

Inspired / Adopted From

Adhan Java

Adhan Java is a well tested and well documented library for calculating Islamic prayer times. Adhan Java is written to be compatible with Java and Android devices of all api versions. It compiles against Java 7 to ensure compatibility with Android. It has a small method overhead, and has no external dependencies.

All astronomical calculations are high precision equations directly from the book “Astronomical Algorithms” by Jean Meeus. This book is recommended by the Astronomical Applications Department of the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Earth System Research Laboratory of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Implementations of Adhan in other languages can be found in the Adhan repo.
