

A demo program of gaze estimation models (MPIIGaze, MPIIFaceGaze, ETH-XGaze)

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With this program, you can run gaze estimation on images and videos. By default, the video from a webcam will be used.

ETH-XGaze video01 result ETH-XGaze video02 result ETH-XGaze video03 result

MPIIGaze video00 result MPIIFaceGaze video00 result

MPIIGaze image00 result

To train a model for MPIIGaze and MPIIFaceGaze, use this repository. You can also use this repo to train a model with ETH-XGaze dataset.

Quick start

This program is tested only on Ubuntu.


pip install ptgaze

Run demo

ptgaze --mode eth-xgaze


usage: ptgaze [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--mode {mpiigaze,mpiifacegaze,eth-xgaze}]
              [--face-detector {dlib,face_alignment_dlib,face_alignment_sfd,mediapipe}]
              [--device {cpu,cuda}] [--image IMAGE] [--video VIDEO] [--camera CAMERA]
              [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--ext {avi,mp4}] [--no-screen] [--debug]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --config CONFIG       Config file. When using a config file, all the other commandline arguments
                        are ignored. See
  --mode {mpiigaze,mpiifacegaze,eth-xgaze}
                        With 'mpiigaze', MPIIGaze model will be used. With 'mpiifacegaze',
                        MPIIFaceGaze model will be used. With 'eth-xgaze', ETH-XGaze model will be
  --face-detector {dlib,face_alignment_dlib,face_alignment_sfd,mediapipe}
                        The method used to detect faces and find face landmarks (default:
  --device {cpu,cuda}   Device used for model inference.
  --image IMAGE         Path to an input image file.
  --video VIDEO         Path to an input video file.
  --camera CAMERA       Camera calibration file. See https://github.com/hysts/pytorch_mpiigaze_demo/
  --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR, -o OUTPUT_DIR
                        If specified, the overlaid video will be saved to this directory.
  --ext {avi,mp4}, -e {avi,mp4}
                        Output video file extension.
  --no-screen           If specified, the video is not displayed on screen, and saved to the output

While processing an image or video, press the following keys on the window to show or hide intermediate results:
