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Ratus is a RESTful asynchronous task queue server. It translated concepts of distributed task queues into a set of resources that conform to REST principles and provides a consistent HTTP API for various backends.

The key features of Ratus are:

Terminal screenshot

Quick Start


Ratus offers a variety of installation options:

Running Ratus from the command line is as simple as typing:

$ ratus

The above command will start an ephemeral Ratus instance using the default in-memory storage engine memdb and listen on the default HTTP port of 80.

To use another port and enable on-disk snapshot for persistence, start Ratus with:

$ ratus --port 8000 --engine memdb --memdb-snapshot-path ratus.db

Depending on the storage engine you choose, you may also need to deploy the corresponding database or broker. Using the mongodb engine as an example, assuming the database is already running locally, then start Ratus with:

$ ratus --port 8000 --engine mongodb --mongodb-uri mongodb://

Basic Usage

Concepts introduced by Ratus will be bolded below, see Concepts (a.k.a cheat sheet) to learn more.


A producer creates a new task and pushes it to the example topic:

$ curl -X POST -d '{"payload": "hello world"}' ""
<details> <summary>Example response</summary>
	"created": 1,
	"updated": 0

A consumer can then make a promise to claim and execute the next task in the example topic:

$ curl -X POST ""
<details> <summary>Example response</summary>
	"_id": "1",
	"topic": "example",
	"state": 1,
	"nonce": "e4SN6Si1nOnE53ou",
	"produced": "2022-07-29T20:00:00.0Z",
	"scheduled": "2022-07-29T20:00:00.0Z",
	"consumed": "2022-07-29T20:00:10.0Z",
	"deadline": "2022-07-29T20:00:40.0Z",
	"payload": "hello world"

After executing the task, remember to acknowledge Ratus that the task is completed using a commit:

$ curl -X PATCH ""
<details> <summary>Example response</summary>
	"_id": "1",
	"topic": "example",
	"state": 2,
	"nonce": "",
	"produced": "2022-07-29T20:00:00.0Z",
	"scheduled": "2022-07-29T20:00:00.0Z",
	"consumed": "2022-07-29T20:00:10.0Z",
	"deadline": "2022-07-29T20:00:40.0Z",
	"payload": "hello world"

If a commit is not received before the promised deadline, the state of the task will be set back to pending, which in turn allows consumers to try to execute it again.

Go Client

Ratus comes with a Go client library that not only encapsulates all API calls, but also provides idiomatic poll-execute-commit workflows like Client.Poll and Client.Subscribe. The examples directory contains ready-to-run examples for using the library:


Data Model



Task States



Ratus provides a consistent API for various backends, allowing users to choose a specific engine based on their needs without having to modify client-side code.

To use a specific engine, set the --engine flag or ENGINE environment variable to one of the following names:




MemDB is the default storage engine for Ratus. It is implemented on top of go-memdb, which is built on immutable radix trees. MemDB is suitable for development and production environments where durability is not critical.


The MemDB storage engine is ephemeral by default, but it also provides snapshot-based persistence options. By setting the --memdb-snapshot-path flag or MEMDB_SNAPSHOT_PATH environment variable to a non-empty file path, Ratus will write on-disk snapshots at an interval specified by MEMDB_SNAPSHOT_INTERVAL.

MemDB does not write Append-Only Files (AOF), which means in case of Ratus stopping working without a graceful shutdown for any reason you should be prepared to lose the latest minutes of data. If durability is critical to your workflow, switch to an external storage engine like mongodb.

Implementation Details



Ratus works best with MongoDB version ~4.4. MongoDB 5.0+ is also supported but requires additional considerations, see Implementation Details to learn more.

💭 TL;DR set MONGODB_DISABLE_ATOMIC_POLL=true when using Ratus with MongoDB 5.0+.


When using the MongoDB storage engine, the Ratus instance itself is stateless. For high availability, start multiple instances of Ratus and connect them to the same MongoDB replica set.

All Ratus instances should run behind load balancers configured with health checks. Producer and consumer clients should connect to the load balancer, not directly to the instances.


Horizontal scaling could be achieved through sharding the task collection. However, with the help of the TTL mechanism, partitioning is not necessary in most cases. The best performance and the strongest atomicity can only be obtained without sharding.

If the amount of data exceeds the capacity of a single node or replica set, choose from the following sharding options:

Implementation Details

Index Models

The following indexes will be created on startup, unless MONGODB_DISABLE_INDEX_CREATION is set to true:

Key PatternsPartial Filter ExpressionTTL
{"topic": "hashed"}--
{"topic": 1, "scheduled": 1}{"state": 0}-
{"deadline": 1}{"state": 1}-
{"topic": 1}{"state": 1}-
{"consumed": 1}{"state": 2}MONGODB_RETENTION_PERIOD


Metrics and Labels

Ratus exposes the following Prometheus metrics on the /metrics endpoint:

ratus_request_duration_secondshistogramtopic, method, endpoint, status_code
ratus_task_schedule_delay_secondsgaugetopic, producer, consumer
ratus_task_execution_duration_secondsgaugetopic, producer, consumer
ratus_task_produced_count_totalcountertopic, producer
ratus_task_consumed_count_totalcountertopic, producer, consumer
ratus_task_committed_count_totalcountertopic, producer, consumer

Liveness and Readiness

Ratus supports liveness and readiness probes via HTTP GET requests:


Frequently Asked Questions

For more details, see Architectural Decision Records.


Asynchronous task queues are typically used for long-running background tasks, so the overhead of HTTP is not significant compared to the time spent by the tasks themselves. On the other hand, the HTTP-based RESTful API can be easily accessed by all languages without using dedicated client libraries.

How to poll from multiple topics?

If the number of topics is limited and you don't care about the priority between them, you can choose to create multiple threads/goroutines to listen to them simultaneously. Alternatively, you can create a topic of topics to get the topic names in turn and then get the next task from the corresponding topic.


See the open issues for a full list of proposed features.


This project is open-source. If you have any ideas or questions, please feel free to reach out by creating an issue!

Contributions are greatly appreciated, please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for more information.


Ratus is available under the Apache License 2.0.

© 2022-2024 Hyperonym