

Artoo Adaptor For Raspberry Pi

This repository contains the Artoo (http://artoo.io/) adaptor for the Raspberry Pi (http://www.raspberrypi.org/) tiny Linux computer's General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO).

Artoo is a open source micro-framework for robotics using Ruby.

For more information about Artoo, check out our repo at https://github.com/hybridgroup/artoo

Code Climate Build Status

Installing On Raspberry Pi

If you do not already have Ruby installed, first you'll need to:

sudo apt-get install ruby ruby1.9.1-dev

Despite one of the packages being titled "ruby1.9.1-dev", the above command will install Ruby 1.9.3 (as of January 2013) and the Ruby dev tools.

Then install the artoo-raspi gem:

sudo gem install artoo-raspi


connection :raspi, :adaptor => :raspi
device :board, :driver => :device_info
device :led, :driver => :led, :pin => 17

work do
  puts "Firmware name: #{board.firmware_name}"
  puts "Firmata version: #{board.version}"

  every 1.second do

To run the examples, requires sudo access on the Raspberry Pi:

sudo ruby examples/raspi_led.rb

Devices supported

The following hardware devices have driver support via the artoo-gpio gem:

Connecting to Raspberry Pi GPIO

This gem only works on a real Raspberry Pi. Do not bother trying on any other kind of computer it will not work. Also note you will need to connect actual circuits to the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. Here is an example of wiring the circuits for the GPIO to connect a single LED:

GPIO LED Circuit Example

To add the button used in the example, add a momentary contact switch to the circuit.

GPIO Switch Circuit Example

Enabling the Raspberry Pi i2c on raspbian

You must add these two entries in your /etc/modules


You must also ensure that these entries are commented in your /etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf

#blacklist spi-bcm2708
#blacklist i2c-bcm2708

Now restart your raspberry pi.

Enabling PWM output on GPIO pins.

You need to install and have pi-blaster running in the raspberry-pi, you can follow the instructions for pi-blaster install on our repo here:



Check out our documentation for lots of information about how to use Artoo.


Need more help? Just want to say "Hello"? Come visit us on IRC freenode #artoo


(c) 2012-2016 The Hybrid Group