

<p align="center"><img src="https://github.com/hugoam/toy/blob/master/media/toyengine.png" /></p>
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toy is a thin and modular c++ game engine. it aims to provide the thinnest and simplest stack of technology for making games directly from c++. toy offers simple expressive c++ idioms for user interface, rendering, audio, and the seamless extension of your game code with zero-cost tools, editors and scripting, to design full featured 2d or 3d games in fast iterations. toy is built on top of the underlying two library, which provides most functionality.

toy is under heavy development, not yet stable, fully documented or production ready. this mean we can't guarantee any kind of stability yet (including the git history too)

toy simplicity and modularity makes it deeply hackable, extensible and versatile. toy is perfect to build games with atypical constraints: complex user interface and rendering schemes, procedural generation, etc. it provides a fully programmable 3d renderer, with full control over shaders, materials and render paths, as well as higher level primitives and systems such as entities, physics, navmesh generation and navigation, and procedural generation helpers.

As a collection of game programming building blocks, toy aims to foster an ecosystem of simple minimal reusable components suited for building your own game technology.

Note: I've released toy, for the time being, under the GPL v3.0 license, hoping for it to evolve into a truly free and open-source technology, by releasing under a more permissive license: however this can only happen if it secures a regular financial support, to ensure it's funded as an open-source project: this is where your help comes into play :)

live demo

Try a live demo in this gorgeous lightmapped scene ported to toy engine from godot (also beware that it includes potentially loud sound):





toy is mostly feature complete in terms of the basic features we wanted for a minimal viable engine. this mean it could finally be open-sourced. but toy is still a bit unstable and undocumented: that means it is in a transitory phase, where the pace can settle down for a while, allowing to:

this is the step that toy will be during the next month or so.

after that, when toy is a robust, stable and fully documented game engine foundation, there are many features which will bring toy in a more cutting-edge category: this is what I will be working on next, and by supporting two you will help us implement the following features:

get started


Platform ExampleRTS Example
Editor ExampleSpace Example

how to build


toy couldn't exist without:


Creating toy has been a huge time investment over the course of a few years: the only way I can pursue that effort and make it thrive into the game programming ecosystem of our dreams, is through funding and sponsorship: you are welcome to have a look at our patreon.

Iron supports:

Stone supports:


two is licensed under the GPLv3 license