



OpenCL library to train deep convolutional networks


Layer types:

Loss layer types:



Loader formats:

Weight initializers:

Multicolumn net also possible, as in McDnn

Example usages


Native library installation

This section installs the native libraries, and the command-line tools. You always need to do this part, even if you will use the Python wrappers.




Note that you need to "activate" the installation each time you open a new cmd prompt (or you could add appropriate environment variables permanently, using Control Panel | System | Advanced System Settings | Environment Variables)




Note that you need to "activate" the installation each time you open a new bash prompt (or you can call activate.sh from your .bashrc file)

Python wrappers

To build from source

Building from source is only needed if installing from binaries doesn't work for your configuration, or if you want to modify DeepCL.

See Build.md

What if it doesn't run?

What if I need a new feature?

Please raise an issue, let me know you're interested.

What if I want to contribute myself?

Third-party libraries

Hardware/driver specific issues

Related projects


Mozilla Public License 2.0

Recent changes

powershell Set-ExecutionPolicy unrestricted
rem following command is like `wget` in linux:
powershell.exe -Command (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip', 'deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip')
rem following command is like `tar -xf` in linux:
"c:\program files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x deepcl-win32-v8.0.0rc8.zip
call dist\bin\activate.bat
pip install --pre DeepCL
python -c "import PyDeepCL; cl = PyDeepCL.DeepCL()"
# (last line is just to check works ok)
mkdir 8.0.0rc4
cd 8.0.0rc4
wget http://deepcl.hughperkins.com/Downloads/deepcl-linux64-v8.0.0rc4.tar.bz2
tar -xf deepcl-linux64-v8.0.0rc4.tar.bz2
virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
source dist/bin/activate.sh
pip install --pre DeepCL
python -c "import PyDeepCL; cl = PyDeepCL.DeepCL()"

(last line is just to check works ok)

To get in contact

Just create an issues, in github, in the top right of this page. Don't worry about whether you think the issue sounds silly or anything. The more feedback the better!

Note that I'm currently focused 100.000% on cuda-on-cl, so please be patient during this period.