

What is this?

This plugin provides functions for development of Gradle based projects. It also provides functions to support Android projects.

Installation Start

Install the plugin using your favorite plugin manager (e.g. NeoBundle):

NeoBundle "hsanson/vim-android"

If you have a gradle wrapper script (e.g gradlew or gradlew.bat) in your project root directory or if you have gradle in your PATH environment, then you are good to go. If you prefer to setup a specific gradle version then you need to set g:gradle_path to the absolute path where gradle is installed:

let g:gradle_path = /path/to/gradle/folder

this results in the plugin using the gradle binary located at:


If you are working in an Android project then set the g:android_sdk_path with the absolute path where the android sdk is installed:

let g:android_sdk_path = /path/to/android-sdk


Open a java, kotlin or xml source file and this plugin will automatically kick in and perform some tasks:

Once the plugin finishes synchronizing gradle dependencies the Gradle command becomes available to use:

:Gradle <task>

If the project is also an Android project then the android command also becomes available:

:Android <task>

Customizing Status Line

Using the Fantasque Sans font patched with the Nerd Fonts these are the status line glyphs I use in my own configuration:


Combined with the ligthline plugin my status line looks like the following screen:

Lightline Status



In addition if you have ALE installed with either eclipselsp (recommended) or javalsp language servers, this plugin will send a workspace/didChangeConfiguration notification to the language server with all gradle and Android dependencies. This enables ALE to auto-complete, auto-import, and go to definition of all dependencies, including Android core and generated classes (e.g. Activity, R, etc).


Refer to the doc/vim-android.txt file for details on usage and configuration of this plugin.