

MyHero Data Service

This is the Data Service for a basic microservice demo application. This provides a data storage layer for a voting system where users can vote for their favorite movie superhero.

Details on deploying the entire demo to a Mantl cluster can be found at

The application was designed to provide a simple demo for Cisco Mantl. It is written as a simple Python Flask application and deployed as a docker container.

Other services are:

The docker containers are available at

Basic Application Details


Environment Installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic Usage

In order to run, the service needs 1 piece of information to be provided:

This detail can be provided in one of three ways.

A command line argument overrides an environment variable, and raw input is only used if neither of the other two options provide needed details.


Initial and Basic APIs These are v1 APIs that require no authentication and will eventually be removed

New v2 APIs These newer APIs require authentication as well as support more features

Local Development with Vagrant

I've included the configuration files needed to do local development with Vagrant in the repo. Vagrant will still use Docker for local development and requires the following be installed on your laptop:

To start local development run:

Each of the services in the application (i.e. myhero_web, myhero_app, and myhero_data) include Vagrant support to allow working locally on all three simultaneously.