

Synthetic Rain Dataset with Adobe After Effect

We present a video rain dataset that contains both sythetic rain (by Adobe After Effect) and real rain video clips for algorithm training and testing. [download] [paper]

The data category usage (i.e., training/testing dataset), the rain types (i.e., whether the rain is synthetic/real rain), the camera motion for each data entry (i.e., slow/fast moving cameras), as well as the labeling details for each data is shown in the table below.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://hotndy.github.io/projects/SPAC/rainDatasetTable.png" width="500px"/> </p>

We show the thumbnails for each data entry below.

<p align="center"> <img src="https://hotndy.github.io/projects/SPAC/rainDatasetThumb.png" width="500px"/> </p>

Please cite both Adobe After Effect [2], and our paper [1] when you use this dataset, or compare with our results.

Organization structure details of the dataset:

  1. Under the folder "SPAC-CNN_code" folder are the executable code for rain removal.

  2. Under the "Dataset_Testing_Synthetic" and "Dataset_Training_Synthetic" folders are the synthetic rain dataset for model training, and algorithm testing.

    • Files with names xxx_GT are the scene ground truth.
    • Files with names xxx_Rain are the synthesized rainy scenes with Adobe Affter Effect.
    • Files with names xxx_spacCNN are the derain output from SPAC-CNN (only for the testing dataset).

    Please cite both Adobe After Effect [2], and our paper [1] when you use this dataset, or compare with our results.

  3. Under the "Dataset_Testing_realRain" folder are the real rain datset for evaluation of derain performance

    • Files with names xxx_Rain are the rainy frames.
    • Files with names xxx_spacCNN are the derain output from SPAC-CNN.

    Please cite our paper [1] when you use this dataset, or compare with our results.

  4. Under the "videoDemo" folder are the rain removal video clips used for evaluations in the paper:

    The 8 video files starting with "synthetic_" are the derain results for the synthetic rain dataset used for quantitative evaluations in our paper.

    • The 4 videos with names "Synthetic_slow_axxx.mp4" belongs to group a.
    • The 4 videos with names "Synthetic_fast_bxxx.mp4" belongs to group b.

    The 7 video files starting with "realrain_" are derain results for real rain.

  5. Under the "SupperPixel_Matching_Evaluations" foder are the experiment results of content matching using SP units vs. rectangular patches for the Middleburry Stereo Dataset. Matching results for the SP units are with names "xxx_sp.png", and the results for the rectangular patches are with names "xxx_blk.png".

[1] J. Chen, C.-H. Tan, J. Hou, L.-P. Chau, and H. Li, “Robust video content alignment and compensation for rain removal in a CNN framework,” IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. [pdf]

[2] Adobe After Effects Software, available at www.adobe.com/AfterEffects.