

DBreeze Image of DBreeze Database

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DBreeze Database is a professional, open-source, multi-paradigm (embedded Key-Value store, objects, NoSql, text search, multi-parameter search, embedding vector database, vector similarity search / clustering etc.), multi-threaded, transactional and ACID-compliant data management system for .NET5> / .NET Framework 3.5> / Xamarin MONO Android iOS / .NET Core 1.0> / .NET Standard 1.6> / Universal Windows Platform / .NET Portable / UNITY / CoreRT

...for servers, desktops, mobiles and internet-of-things... Made with C#

Its homepage is http://dbreeze.tiesky.com or https://github.com/hhblaze/DBreeze

Key features:

Special thanx:

"Free code signing provided by SignPath.io, certificate by SignPath Foundation" Signed DLLs are located separately.
