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Deploy Kubernetes Helm Charts <br />


English | 简体中文


Helmfile is a declarative spec for deploying helm charts. It lets you...

To avoid upgrades for each iteration of helm, the helmfile executable delegates to helm - as a result, helm must be installed.


Declarative: Write, version-control, apply the desired state file for visibility and reproducibility.

Modules: Modularize common patterns of your infrastructure, distribute it via Git, S3, etc. to be reused across the entire company (See #648)

Versatility: Manage your cluster consisting of charts, kustomizations, and directories of Kubernetes resources, turning everything to Helm releases (See #673)

Patch: JSON/Strategic-Merge Patch Kubernetes resources before helm-installing, without forking upstream charts (See #673)


May 2024 Update - We are inviting Helmfile v1 rc testers! Please see the v1 proposal here and the latest rc release in the releases page. Please file feature requests in Discussions and bugs in Issues.

March 2022 Update - The helmfile project has been moved to helmfile/helmfile from the former home roboll/helmfile. Please see roboll/helmfile#1824 for more information.


1: Binary Installation

download one of releases

2: Package Manager

3: Container

For more details, see run as a container

Make sure to run helmfile init once after installation. Helmfile uses the helm-diff plugin.

Getting Started

Let's start with a simple helmfile and gradually improve it to fit your use-case!

Suppose the helmfile.yaml representing the desired state of your helm releases looks like:

- name: prometheus-community
  url: https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts

- name: prom-norbac-ubuntu
  namespace: prometheus
  chart: prometheus-community/prometheus
  - name: rbac.create
    value: false

Sync your Kubernetes cluster state to the desired one by running:

helmfile apply

Congratulations! You now have your first Prometheus deployment running inside your cluster.

Iterate on the helmfile.yaml by referencing:


Please read complete documentation


Welcome to contribute together to make helmfile better: contributing doc


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Helmfile has been used by many users in production:

For more users, please see: Users



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