

halostatue's Zsh Configuration

This repository has my (fairly extensive) configuration files and standard scripts that I use for everything except vim configuration on Unixish hosts (primarily Mac OS X and Ubuntu Linux). My vim configuration is a separate repository for historical and practical reasons (it has been used on Windows in the past and may still work).



git clone git://github.com/halostatue/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
bin/halozsh bootstrap

Template Files

Files can be installed in one of two ways: linking or template generation. A template file is one that will be run through erb to evaluate the contents of the file. The output will be written as the install target.

A method include_file is available to include the contents of another file (included files are automatically treated like template files). Relative paths may be given to include_file; they will be expanded (using expand_path) on use. If the include_file path includes the string {PLATFORM}, it will be replaced with the equivalent of uname | tr A-Z a-z.

Files that are installed by template are given named tasks, in the file namespace:

rake file:gitconfig   # Includes: ~/.github-token, platform/gitconfig.darwin
rake file:hgrc        # Includes: platform/hgrc.darwin
rake file:ssh-config  # Includes: ~/.ssh-home, ~/.ssh-work

NOTE: Template files do not have % processing enabled when processed through ERB. Only <%= … %> tags are recognized.


There are tons of features. One of these days, I'll document them all.

Ordered startup

Some startup is provided for the zsh environment and is controlled by the names of the files in zsh/rc.d. Startup within the .zshrc is fairly ordered.


There's a plug-in system to load functionality only when the prerequisites are present. Plug-ins are not guaranteed to load in any particular order, but plug-ins as a whole will load last.

NOTE: plug-ins do not currently load last. This is changing as more of the shell system is moving toward plug-in definitions.


The basic structure was originally based on Ryan Bates's dotfile configurations, but my own biases and influences from other example repositories have been adopted here making regular merges impossible.

I have liberally taken inspiration and code from the following projects, repositories and other places on the 'net that I'm not even sure of anymore.



