

Austin's Vim Configuration

I've had a fairly complete vim configuration at bitbucket for a while, but have always had problems keeping it up to date. With a serious nod to Janus, I've created this new vim configuration based around tpope's Pathogen.

Limitations and Issues


The Windows behaviour here is much less ideal than I would like, as the bundle installation is fairly tightly tied to git. This isn't as big a deal as it may have been in the past as I'm not using Windows and not expecting to at any point in the near future.

Removing Bundles

Because I clone the bundles (and don't remove their .git directories), running rake install will cause the bundle to be updated. If, however, I remove a bundle from the install list in the Rakefile and run rake install, the bundle will not be removed automatically.

Cached/Frozen Installations

The installable directory is less ideal than I would like, especially with manpageview and google-golang, which I would like to treat more like Mustache (where I check out all of mustache but only install the syntax file from the repo).

The cache for such bundles, though, may be unacceptably large even in an age where disk is cheap—I don't necessarily need to have two copies of golang on my system. Thus, for setups like golang, I may have the Rakefile look for $GOROOT/misc/vim and symlink vimfiles/bundle/google-golang to that and only install the cached bundle in installable/google-golang if the system version can't be found. This would mean that I would need to potentially remove the google-golang bundle every install, however.


At least some plug-ins have conflicts that haven't yet been worked out.

Some of these issues are in the source bundles, such as astashov's vim-ruby-debugger bundle, where it unconditionally sets some mappings (as of 2011-11-02). There's a pull request for a good change that will allow those mappings to be suppressed by a user that needs to be integrated before I'll bring it back into the bundle, or I'll have to fork it and make the modifications myself.