

<img alt="atomate" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackingmaterials/atomate/main/docs_rst/_static/atomate_logo_small.png" width="250">

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atomate is a software for computational materials science that contains pre-built workflows to compute and analyze the properties of materials.

If you find atomate useful, please encourage its development by citing the following paper in your research output:

Mathew, K., Montoya, J. H., Faghaninia, A., Dwarakanath, S., Aykol,
M., Tang, H., Chu, I., Smidt, T., Bocklund, B., Horton, M., Dagdelen,
J., Wood, B., Liu, Z.-K., Neaton, J., Ong, S. P., Persson, K., Jain,
A., Atomate: A high-level interface to generate, execute, and analyze
computational materials science workflows. Comput. Mater. Sci. 139,
140-152 (2017).