

aWsm - An Awesome Wasm Compiler and Runtime

Note: Previously known as Silverfish

What is aWsm?

aWsm is a compiler and runtime for compiling WebAssembly (Wasm) code into llvm bytecode, then into sandboxed binaries you can run on various platforms. It focuses on generating very fast code (best of breed for WebAssembly), having a simple and extensible code-base, and on portability.

What is WebAssembly? Wasm is a standard binary format that is platform agnostic, debuggable, fast, and safe. Please see the official webpage, and its specification. Many languages (including C/C++, Rust, C#, Go, Kotlin, Swift, and more, see a more complete list) compile to Wasm. Wasm can be run in all the major browsers, thus is broadly deployed and available.

We're interested in taking Wasm out of the browser, and into all different types of computers (from servers to microcontrollers). Wasm provides a number of benefits outside of the web including:

Why aWsm?

We've investigated how aWsm changes serverless on the edge (see our Sledge runtime for that), and reliability in embedded systems. See the publications and videos:

Why does aWsm enable these cool domains? The Web Assembly eco-system is still developing, and we see the need for a system focusing on:

We believe that aWsm is one of the best options for ahead-of-time compilation for Wasm execution outside of the browser. If you want to learn more about aWsm, see the design, or the publications listed above.

Where does aWsm Help Out?

Where aWsm isn't yet a great fit:


PolyBench/C benchmarks for x86-64 (slowdown over native C):

WasmerWAVMNode.js + EmscriptenLucetaWsm
Avg. Slowdown149.8%28.1%84.0%92.8%13.4%
Stdev. in Slowdown194.0953.09107.84117.2534.65

PolyBench/C benchmarks for Arm aarch64 (slowdown over native C):

Avg. Slowdown6.7%
Stdev. of Slowdown19.38

Polybench/C benchmarks for Arm Cortex-M microcontrollers (slowdown over native C):

Cortex-M7 Avg. slowdown40.2%
Cortex-M4 Avg. slowdown24.9%

In comparison, the wasm3 interpreter's slowdown on microcontrollers is more than 10x. For more details (including other bounds checking mechanisms), see the paper.

Note: these numbers are from May 2020.

There are many compelling runtimes, but we believe that aWsm is useful in generating very fast code, while being simple and extensible.

Comparison to Existing Wasm Ecosystems

There are many existing compilers and runtimes. aWsm fills the niche of a compiler

Adding runtime functions and changing safety checking mechanisms are trivial operations.

aWsmAoTYou are here

This is not an exhaustive list! There are many others as this is a pretty active area.

Note: this table is from the best of our understanding of each system in July 2020.

Getting started!

aWsm 0.1.0
Gregor Peach <gregorpeach@gmail.com>

    awsm [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <input>

    -h, --help                           Prints help information
    -i, --inline-constant-globals        Force inlining of constant globals
    -u, --fast-unsafe-implementations    Allow unsafe instruction implementations that may be faster
        --runtime-globals                Don't generate native globals, let the runtime handle it
    -V, --version                        Prints version information

    -o, --output <output>    Output bc file
        --target <target>    Set compilation target

    <input>    Input wasm file

Installation from Source

Debian-based Systems

git clone https://github.com/gwsystems/aWsm.git
cd aWsm

The compiler can now be run via awsm

Other Systems

  1. Install Rust
  2. Install LLVM
  3. Link Your Clang Installation so clang-xx and llvm-config-xx are in your path aliased to clang and llvm-config. For example, the following commands accomplish this using update-alternatives after replacing LLVM_VERSION with the version returned you installed above (In *NIX systems, this can be confirmed with ls /usr/bin/clang*)
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-$LLVM_VERSION 100
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-config llvm-config /usr/bin/llvm-config-$LLVM_VERSION 100
  1. Install the C++ Standard Library for LLVM
  2. Clone and build aWsm
git clone https://github.com/gwsystems/aWsm.git
cd aWsm
cargo build --release
  1. The aWsm binary is built at target/release/awsm. Copy this to the appropriate place for your platform and add to your PATH if necessary.

Executing and Testing aWsm

The tests can run with

cd code_benches; ./run.py

Please see the design to understand the pipeline, and see run.py for an example of how to connect existing compilers (to generate Wasm, and generate machine code from LLVM IR) with aWsm.

Note that aWsm is still a research prototype, so might have some rough edges. It is not currently turn-key. You likely need to understand how to generate Wasm, and use an LLVM compile chain. We're happy to accept PRs with fixes, and "quality of life" improvements.

We're in the processes of standing up a CI infrastructure.

Tour of the Source

The source is organized as such:

Limitations and Assumptions

Additional Wasm instruction support needed. aWsm has not focused on a complete implementation of every Wasm instruction, instead focusing on supporting the code generated by the LLVM front-end. The code is extensible, and we've added instructions as needs-be. Please make a PR with support for additional instructions if you need them!

Limited support for future Wasm features. The features on the Wasm roadmap are not supported. We're quite interested in supporting as many of these feature sets as possible, and would happily accept PRs.

Advice for Wasm Standardization

We've done quite a bit of work targeting microcontrollers (Arm Cortex-Ms), and have discovered a number of limitations of the current Wasm Specification for that domain. We provide details in Section 7 of our EMSOFT publication. We believe that some changes to the specification, or the creation of an embedded profile might be warranted. The main limitations:

  1. Variant page sizes selected by the runtime. Wasm uses 64KiB pages. That is far too large for embedded systems. aWsm uses smaller pages, while simulating the larger default pages. Enabling smaller pages would make Wasm's use on microcontrollers -- often with only 64KiB of memory total -- easier. In aWsm, the page size is configurable.
  2. Separation of read-only and read-write memory. In Wasm, all data is accessed in linear memory, which provides strong sandboxing, but does not discriminate between RW and RO data. Microcontrollers often use Execute in Place (XIP) read-only memory, which allows RO data to be accessed and executed directly from flash. This is beneficial in microcontrollers with on the order of 64KiB of memory (SRAM), but around 1MIB of flash. Wasm does not separate RO and RW memory, preventing this optimization that is essential for density on such systems.
  3. Allow undefined behavior on Out of Bounds (OoB) accesses. The specification requires any access outside of the allocated bounds of linear memory to be caught, and the sandbox terminated. We show in the publication that relaxing this requirement, and allowing undefined behavior on OoB accesses can significantly speed up execution, and shrink code sizes, while maintaining strong sandboxed isolation.


aWsm was designed and implemented by Gregor Peach (@Others) while an undergraduate researcher in the GW Systems Lab. Demonstrating the value of the WebAssembly specification in a systems context, aWsm inspired the GW Systems Lab to fund and pursue follow-up WebAssembly-based research systems outside of its traditional focus on component-based operating systems.

Collaboration with members of the Arm Research team have been particularly instrumental in growing aWsm from its initial prototype. Additionally, financial support from SRC, Arm, and NSF have supported researchers working on aWsm and follow-up projects.

About Us

The GWU Systems group focuses on low-level system design and implementation. One of our main research vehicles is the Composite component-based operating system, which we aim to integrate with Wasm through aWsm. If you're interested in low-level hacking and system building, in secure and reliable systems, in embedded systems, or in models for parallelism, don't hesitate to contact Gabe about doing a PhD or becoming involved with the group.