


This is a repository for resources on all kinds of things of Privacy Enhancing techinques (PETs). Currently it's maintained by Yanqi Gu.
All these papers are sorted by time and seperated by category. Any suggestions and pull requests are welcome. This repository is only for research purpose. If any authors don't want their paper to be listed here, please feel free to contact me(you can find my email address on my homepage).

This repository will focus on:
Differential Privacy (DP), including 1.Mathematical Frameworks(theoretical research in differential privacy) and 2.Privacy in practice(applications of differential privacy algorithms)
Multi-party Computation (MPC)
Homomorphic Encryption (HE)
Trusted Execution Environment (TEE)


DP theory

Local Differential Privacy

Image Privacy

Adversarial Examples and Robustness

Privacy and Generative Model

Privacy in Federated Learning

Private ML

Privacy in MAB

Privacy-preserving Encrypted Neural Network

Differential Privacy Tutorial