

Research project: Utility-preserving data privatization

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Overview | Requirements | Steps


This repository contains code for reproducing the experiments with a Generative Adversarial Privatizer , based on the Siamese Generative Adversarial Privatizer for Biometric Data. Note that the NIST Special Database 4 (FIGS), of the fingerprints, has been withdrawn from public use, thus it is not used in this repository.


• Python 3.5
• PyTorch 0.3 & torchvision


0. Setup
pip install -r requirements.txt
1. Dataset preparation

Two datasets, FERG and CelebA can be downloaded and extracted by only setting --dataset argument to either "FERG" or "CelebA". For other datasets new dataloaders have to be written.

2. Siamese GAN training

Run in background/separate session:

tensorboard --logdir runs

Train model on FERG dataset with TensorBoard visualizations:

python src/generative_siamese/generator_plus_siamese_main.py --tensorboard