

<div align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/gusye1234/nano-graphrag"> <picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="https://assets.memodb.io/nano-graphrag-dark.png"> <img alt="Shows the MemoDB logo" src="https://assets.memodb.io/nano-graphrag.png" width="512"> </picture> </a> <p><strong>A simple, easy-to-hack GraphRAG implementation</strong></p> <p> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/python->=3.9.11-blue"> <a href="https://pypi.org/project/nano-graphrag/"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/nano-graphrag.svg"> </a> <a href="https://codecov.io/github/gusye1234/nano-graphrag" > <img src="https://codecov.io/github/gusye1234/nano-graphrag/graph/badge.svg?token=YFPMj9uQo7"/> </a> <a href="https://pepy.tech/project/nano-graphrag"> <img src="https://static.pepy.tech/badge/nano-graphrag/month"> </a> </p> <p> <a href="https://discord.gg/sqCVzAhUY6"> <img src="https://dcbadge.limes.pink/api/server/sqCVzAhUY6?style=flat"> </a> <a href="https://github.com/gusye1234/nano-graphrag/issues/8"> <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/羀聊-wechat-green"> </a> </p> </div>

😭 GraphRAG is good and powerful, but the official implementation is difficult/painful to read or hack.

😊 This project provides a smaller, faster, cleaner GraphRAG, while remaining the core functionality(see benchmark and issues ).

🎁 Excluding tests and prompts, nano-graphrag is about 1100 lines of code.

πŸ‘Œ Small yet portable(faiss, neo4j, ollama...), asynchronous and fully typed.


Install from source (recommend)

# clone this repo first
cd nano-graphrag
pip install -e .

Install from PyPi

pip install nano-graphrag

Quick Start


Please set OpenAI API key in environment: export OPENAI_API_KEY="sk-...".

[!TIP] If you're using Azure OpenAI API, refer to the .env.example to set your azure openai. Then pass GraphRAG(...,using_azure_openai=True,...) to enable.

[!TIP] If you're using Amazon Bedrock API, please ensure your credentials are properly set through commands like aws configure. Then enable it by configuring like this: GraphRAG(...,using_amazon_bedrock=True, best_model_id="us.anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0", cheap_model_id="us.anthropic.claude-3-haiku-20240307-v1:0",...). Refer to an example script.


If you don't have any key, check out this example that using transformers and ollama . If you like to use another LLM or Embedding Model, check Advances.

download a copy of A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens:

curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gusye1234/nano-graphrag/main/tests/mock_data.txt > ./book.txt

Use the below python snippet:

from nano_graphrag import GraphRAG, QueryParam

graph_func = GraphRAG(working_dir="./dickens")

with open("./book.txt") as f:

# Perform global graphrag search
print(graph_func.query("What are the top themes in this story?"))

# Perform local graphrag search (I think is better and more scalable one)
print(graph_func.query("What are the top themes in this story?", param=QueryParam(mode="local")))

Next time you initialize a GraphRAG from the same working_dir, it will reload all the contexts automatically.

Batch Insert

graph_func.insert(["TEXT1", "TEXT2",...])
<details> <summary> Incremental Insert</summary>

nano-graphrag supports incremental insert, no duplicated computation or data will be added:

with open("./book.txt") as f:
    book = f.read()
    half_len = len(book) // 2

nano-graphrag use md5-hash of the content as the key, so there is no duplicated chunk.

However, each time you insert, the communities of graph will be re-computed and the community reports will be re-generated

</details> <details> <summary> Naive RAG</summary>

nano-graphrag supports naive RAG insert and query as well:

graph_func = GraphRAG(working_dir="./dickens", enable_naive_rag=True)
# Query
      "What are the top themes in this story?",


For each method NAME(...) , there is a corresponding async method aNAME(...)

await graph_func.ainsert(...)
await graph_func.aquery(...)

Available Parameters

GraphRAG and QueryParam are dataclass in Python. Use help(GraphRAG) and help(QueryParam) to see all available parameters! Or check out the Advances section to see some options.


Below are the components you can use:

Amazon BedrockBuilt-in
Amazon BedrockBuilt-in
Vector DataBasenano-vectordbBuilt-in
hnswlibBuilt-in, examples
Graph StoragenetworkxBuilt-in
Chunkingby token sizeBuilt-in
by text splitterBuilt-in


<details> <summary>Some setup options</summary> </details> <details> <summary>Only query the related context</summary>

graph_func.query return the final answer without streaming.

If you like to interagte nano-graphrag in your project, you can use param=QueryParam(..., only_need_context=True,...), which will only return the retrieved context from graph, something like:

# Local mode
id,	content
0,	# FOX News and Key Figures in Media and Politics...
1, ...

# Global mode
----Analyst 3----
Importance Score: 100
Donald J. Trump: Frequently discussed in relation to his political activities...

You can integrate that context into your customized prompt.

</details> <details> <summary>Prompt</summary>

nano-graphrag use prompts from nano_graphrag.prompt.PROMPTS dict object. You can play with it and replace any prompt inside.

Some important prompts:

</details> <details> <summary>Customize Chunking</summary>

nano-graphrag allow you to customize your own chunking method, check out the example.

Switch to the built-in text splitter chunking method:

from nano_graphrag._op import chunking_by_seperators

</details> <details> <summary>LLM Function</summary>

In nano-graphrag, we requires two types of LLM, a great one and a cheap one. The former is used to plan and respond, the latter is used to summary. By default, the great one is gpt-4o and the cheap one is gpt-4o-mini

You can implement your own LLM function (refer to _llm.gpt_4o_complete):

async def my_llm_complete(
    prompt, system_prompt=None, history_messages=[], **kwargs
) -> str:
  # pop cache KV database if any
  hashing_kv: BaseKVStorage = kwargs.pop("hashing_kv", None)
  # the rest kwargs are for calling LLM, for example, `max_tokens=xxx`
  # YOUR LLM calling
  response = await call_your_LLM(messages, **kwargs)
  return response

Replace the default one with:

# Adjust the max token size or the max async requests if needed
GraphRAG(best_model_func=my_llm_complete, best_model_max_token_size=..., best_model_max_async=...)
GraphRAG(cheap_model_func=my_llm_complete, cheap_model_max_token_size=..., cheap_model_max_async=...)

You can refer to this example that use deepseek-chat as the LLM model

You can refer to this example that use ollama as the LLM model

Json Output

nano-graphrag will use best_model_func to output JSON with params "response_format": {"type": "json_object"}. However there are some open-source model maybe produce unstable JSON.

nano-graphrag introduces a post-process interface for you to convert the response to JSON. This func's signature is below:

def YOUR_STRING_TO_JSON_FUNC(response: str) -> dict:
  "Convert the string response to JSON"

And pass your own func by GraphRAG(...convert_response_to_json_func=YOUR_STRING_TO_JSON_FUNC,...).

For example, you can refer to json_repair to repair the JSON string returned by LLM.

</details> <details> <summary>Embedding Function</summary>

You can replace the default embedding functions with any _utils.EmbedddingFunc instance.

For example, the default one is using OpenAI embedding API:

@wrap_embedding_func_with_attrs(embedding_dim=1536, max_token_size=8192)
async def openai_embedding(texts: list[str]) -> np.ndarray:
    openai_async_client = AsyncOpenAI()
    response = await openai_async_client.embeddings.create(
        model="text-embedding-3-small", input=texts, encoding_format="float"
    return np.array([dp.embedding for dp in response.data])

Replace default embedding function with:

GraphRAG(embedding_func=your_embed_func, embedding_batch_num=..., embedding_func_max_async=...)

You can refer to an example that use sentence-transformer to locally compute embeddings.

</details> <details> <summary>Storage Component</summary>

You can replace all storage-related components to your own implementation, nano-graphrag mainly uses three kinds of storage:

base.BaseKVStorage for storing key-json pairs of data

base.BaseVectorStorage for indexing embeddings

base.BaseGraphStorage for storing knowledge graph

You can refer to nano_graphrag.base to see detailed interfaces for each components.



Check FQA.




nano-graphrag is open to any kind of contribution. Read this before you contribute.


Projects that used nano-graphrag

Welcome to pull requests if your project uses nano-graphrag, it will help others to trust this repo❀️
