

Elden Ring Proton Patcher

A tool aimed at enhancing the experience when playing the game on linux through proton or natively on windows.


This tool is based on patching the game executable through hex-edits. However it is done in a safe and non-destructive way, that ensures the patched executable is never run with EAC enabled (unless explicity told to do so). Use at your own risk!



  1. Copy the file er-patcher to the game directory.
  2. In steam, set the game launch options to python er-patcher ARGS -- %command% See Features for available options.
  1. Launch the game through steam. er-patcher automatically launches a patched version of eldenring.exe with EAC disabled.

Note: There might be some distros (e.g. older Ubuntu releases) that launch python 2 instead of 3 when running python. In that case you'll need to replace python with python3 in the launch option line.


-r RATE or --rate RATESet a custom framerate limit (default: 60).
-x EXE or --executable EXEThe executable to launch, relative to the games folder.<br>Mutually exclusive with --with-eac.
--with-eacRun game with EAC (Use it at your own risk).<br>Mutually exclusive with --executable.
--disable-rune-lossDisable losing runes upon death.
--allEnable all options except --rate, --executable, and<br>gameplay changes like --disable-rune-loss.
-u or --ultrawideRemove black bars.
-v or --disable-vignetteRemove the vignette overlay.
-c or --disable-caDisable chromatic abberation.
-a or --increase-animation-distanceFix low frame rate animations at screen<br>edges or for distant entities.
-s or --skip-introSkip intro logos at game start.
-f or --remove-60hz-fullscreenRemove the 60Hz limit in fullscreen<br>mode (not needed with proton).

Windows Support

The patcher works just as well on windows. The following launch option line works in case you e.g. installed Python from Microsoft Store:

python er-patcher --rate 165 --all -- %command%

Note: This spawns a python console which will close by itself after the game has finished running. If you find this annoying you can try using pythonw instead. In any case python needs to be in PATH for windows to find it.

Note 2: Ensure Vertical Sync is turned off for Elden Ring in Nvidia Control Panel / AMD Radeon Software / Intel Graphics Command Center, otherwise the custom framerate limit feature won't work.

How it works

When the game is launched through steam, the tool creates a patched version of eldenring.exe in a temporary subdirectory while leaving the original intact. As long the flag --with-eac is not set, the tool modifies the steam launch command to launch the patched executable instead of start_protected_game.exe, thefore ensuring that the patched exe is never run with EAC enabled. After the game is closed, the patched executable is removed.
