

Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation Using Both 2D and 3D Diffusion Priors [ICLR 2024]

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<img src="docs/static/magic123.gif" width="800" />

Guocheng Qian <sup>1,2</sup>, Jinjie Mai <sup>1</sup>, Abdullah Hamdi <sup>3</sup>, Jian Ren <sup>2</sup>, Aliaksandr Siarohin <sup>2</sup>, Bing Li <sup>1</sup>, Hsin-Ying Lee <sup>2</sup>, Ivan Skorokhodov <sup>1,2</sup>, Peter Wonka <sup>1</sup>, Sergey Tulyakov <sup>2</sup>, Bernard Ghanem <sup>1</sup>

<sup>1</sup> King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), <sup>2</sup> Snap Inc., <sup>3</sup> Visual Geometry Group, University of Oxford

Training convergence of a demo example: <img src="docs/static/ironman-val-magic123.gif" width="800" />

Compare Magic123 without textual inversion with abaltions using only 2D prior (SDS) or using only 3D prior (Zero123):


Effects of Joint Prior. Increasing the strength of 2D prior leads to more imagination, more details, and less 3D consistencies.

<img src="docs/static/2d_3d.png" width="800" />


Official PyTorch Implementation of Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation Using Both 2D and 3D Diffusion Priors. Code is built upon Stable-DreamFusion repo.



We only test on Ubuntu system. Make sure git, wget, Eigen are installed.

apt update && apt upgrade
apt install git wget libeigen3-dev -y

Install Environment

source install.sh

Note: in this install.sh, we use python venv by default. If you prefer conda, uncomment the conda and comment venv in the file and run the same command.

Download pre-trained models


Preprocess [Optional]

We have included all preprocessed files in ./data directory. Preprocessing is only necessary if you want to test on your own examples. Takes seconds.

Step1: Extract depth

python preprocess_image.py --path /path/to/image 

Step 2: textual inversion [Optional]

Magic123 uses the default textual inversion from diffuers, which consumes around 2 hours on a 32G V100. If you do not want to spend time in this textual inversion, you can: (1) study whether there is other faster textual inversion; or (2) do not use textual inversion in the loss of texture and shape consistencies. To run textual inversion:

bash scripts/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.sh $GPU_IDX runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 /path/to/example/rgba.png /path/to/save $token_name $init_token --max_train_steps 5000

$token_name is a the special token, usually name that by examplename $init_token is a single token to describe the image using natural language

For example:

bash scripts/textual_inversion/textual_inversion.sh runwayml/stable-diffusion-v1-5 data/demo/a-full-body-ironman/rgba.png out/textual_inversion/ironman _ironman_ ironman --max_train_steps 3000

Don't forget to move the final learned_embeds.bin under data/demo/a-full-body-ironman/


Run Magic123 for a single example

Takes ~40 mins for the coarse stage and ~20 mins for the second stage on a 32G V100.

bash scripts/magic123/run_both_priors.sh $GPU_NO $JOBNAME_First_Stage $JOBNAME_Second_Stage $PATH_to_Example_Directory $IMAGE_BASE_NAME $Enable_First_Stage $Enable_Second_Stage {More_Arugments}

As an example, run Magic123 in the dragon example using both stages in GPU 0 and set the jobname for the first stage as nerf and the jobname for the second stage as dmtet, by the following command:

bash scripts/magic123/run_both_priors.sh 0 nerf dmtet data/realfusion15/metal_dragon_statue 1 1 

More arguments (e.g. --lambda_guidance 1 40) can be appended to the command line such as:

bash scripts/magic123/run_both_priors.sh 0 nerf dmtet data/realfusion15/metal_dragon_statue 1 1 --lambda_guidance 1 40

Run Magic123 for a group of examples

Run Magic123 on a single example without textual inversion

textual inversion is tedious (requires ~2.5 hours optimization), if you want to test Magic123 quickly on your own example without textual inversion (might degrade the performance), try the following:

Run ablation studies

Tips and Tricks

  1. Fix camera distance (radius_range) and FOV (fovy_range) and tune the camera polar range (theta_range). Note it is better to keep camera jittering to reduce grid artifacts.
  2. Smaller range of time steps for the defusion noise (t_range). We find [0.2, 0.6] gives better performance for image-to-3D tasks.
  3. Using normals as latent in the first 2000 improves generated geometry a bit gernerally (but not always). We turn on this for Magic123 corase stage in the script --normal_iter_ratio 0.2
  4. We erode segmentation edges (makes the segmentation map 2 pixels shrinked towards internal side) to remove artifacts due to segmentation erros. This is turned on in the fine stage in magic123 in the script through --rm_edge
  5. Other general tricks such as improved textual inversion, advanced diffusion prior (DeepFloyd, SD-XL), stronger 3D prior (Zero123-XL), and larger batch size can be adopted as well but not studied in this work.
  6. textual inversion is not very necessary for well-known things (e.g. ironman) and easily described textures and geoemtries, since pure texts contains these texture information and will be understood by diffusion models. We use textual inversion by default in all experiments.

Some Projects that use Magic123

  1. Threestudio
  2. DreamCraft3D


This work is build upon Stable DreamFusion, many thanks to the author Kiui Jiaxiang Tang and many other contributors.

    Author = {Jiaxiang Tang},
    Year = {2022},
    Note = {https://github.com/ashawkey/stable-dreamfusion},
    Title = {Stable-dreamfusion: Text-to-3D with Stable-diffusion}

We also get inspirations from a list of amazing research works and open-source projects, thanks a lot to all the authors for sharing!


If you find this work useful, a citation will be appreciated via:

title={Magic123: One Image to High-Quality 3D Object Generation Using Both 2D and 3D Diffusion Priors},
author={Qian, Guocheng and Mai, Jinjie and Hamdi, Abdullah and Ren, Jian and Siarohin, Aliaksandr and Li, Bing and Lee, Hsin-Ying and Skorokhodov, Ivan and Wonka, Peter and Tulyakov, Sergey and Ghanem, Bernard},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR)},