

<p align="center"> <img src="https://development.guardiran.org/public/Images/cloudhound/cloudhound_logo.png" alt="CloudHound" /> </p>

CloudHound - Intro

CloudHound is a Console Application Written in PHP Which allows Attacker to Bypass CloudFlare System and Detect Original Server . in order to do this, CloudHound use Several Private Methods Such as Cross-Site Port Attacking, Query in Guardiran DNS History wide-range Database and etc


Run application File in Root Folder via PHP or open terminal and use php application Command ; application file is bootstrapper of this script .

Since App is Running You have 2 Operational Commands in front of your Self :

    [+] detect guardiran.org

    [+] whois guardiran.org

    [+] help

    [+] exit


detect command receives 1 parameter and it should be target hostname ; after executing this commands system runs several methods to analyze and detect the target .


whois command recives 1 parameter and it should be target hostname or IP ; it will gather info about registered domain for attacker .


DNS HistoryUsing Guardiran Private Database (Up to +2M Records) to Detect Original IP
Cross-Site Port AttackWide-Range XSPA
Subdomain Scan+10K Common Subdomains (Scan Range is Pretty Flexible)


About Us

<div><img src="https://guardiran.org/uploads/logo.png" alt="Guardiran Sec. Team" /></div>

We are Guardiran Security Team