

dango 🍡

dango is a nCurses Go board for the terminal

dan•go [だんご]

  1. A Japanese dumpling made from mochiko (rice flour)
  2. A Japanese go term, meaning "dumpling shape"; a solid mass of stones without eyes, and with few liberties
<h3 align="center"><img src="https://github.com/gsobell/dango/blob/dan/resources/splash.png" width=50% height=50%></h3>


To try it without installing:

python <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsobell/dango/dan/dango.py)


To download and launch, run the following:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsobell/dango/dan/dango.py
mv dango.py dango && chmod +x dango

To install on Arch-based distros, use the PKGBUILD:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsobell/dango/dan/PKGBUILD
makepkg -i

Alternatively, you can download a zip of the main branch. If you encounter any bugs, open a issue on GitHub.


Use the arrow or vim keys to navigate the board. Enter or space places a stone. Use u to undo, p to pass, q to quit. Also supports mouse input; click to move, double click to place stone.

<!-- Two consecutive passes end the game. -->


Due to implementing the nCurses interface, there has been some feature regression. They will be re-implemented soon.



Also note that dango.sh has been renamed dango-legacy and no further development will be done.

Find dango and more Go clients on Sensei's Library. If you like this, you might also enjoy termsuji, , sabaki, baduk-fortune, cbonsai, and haikunator. If you want to support this project, consider buying me a cup of coffee playing me in a game of Go.

Inspired by chs