

dango-legacy 🍡

dango-legacy is a shell wrapper for the ASCII interface of GNU Go, in an attempt to make it more user friendly.

Development on dango-legacy has now ceased, and no further changes will be made.

dan•go [だんご] noun

  1. A Japanese dumpling made from mochiko (rice flour)
  2. A Japanese go term, meaning "dumpling shape"; a solid mass of stones without eyes, and with few liberties
<h3 align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/914njtc.png"></h3> <h6 align="center">Available board themes</h6>


To download and launch, run the following:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsobell/dango/home/dango-legacy/dango-legacy.sh
sh dango.sh

Since dango-legacy was never propperly finished, bugs should be expected, along with some artifacting when using the color board.



Q: Doesn't GNU Go have a color mode?
A: Yes, however, it's a training tool, and gives the status of groups (alive, dead, critical, etc), while dango aims to improve board readability and ease of use. GNU Go's extensive documentation can be found here.

Q: You don't know how to use sed, do you?
A: No, not really. If I did, it would look a whole lot nicer. It's a shame I don't; most software in existence can be replaced by a well placed regular expression.

Find dango and more Go clients on Sensei's Library.
If you like this, you might also enjoy cbonsai, sabaki, baduk-fortune, and haikunator.

If you want to support this project, consider buying me a cup of coffee playing me in a game of Go.

Inspired by chs