


Redux/Flux action creation made simple


npm install redux-easy-actions


Starting version 0.4 library has been completely rewritten. Decorators using deprecated because of this and library no more support class as container for action creators methods, only plain objects. All became even simpler :)

The Problem

Redux is a great library for JavaScript application building. But there is an inconvenience with the original solution: namely, "ACTION_TYPES" implemented as string constants.

export const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO';
export const DELETE_TODO = 'DELETE_TODO';

Ideally they are stored in a separate file. Thus, an import is required for action creators:

import * as types from '../constants/ActionTypes';

export function addTodo(text) {
  return { type: types.ADD_TODO, text };

export function deleteTodo(id) {
  return { type: types.DELETE_TODO, id };

...as well as for reducers:

import { ADD_TODO, DELETE_TODO } from '../constants/ActionTypes';

export default function todos(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
  case ADD_TODO:
    //some actions
    //some actions

...and wait, didn't you forget about the components themselves? Import again!

class TodoForm {

Seems like too much links, isn't it? And if you need to change a single action name, about 6 steps are required!

add or rename the string constant -> add or rename action creator -> rename or specify type in the payload -> add or rename the action inside components -> update the reducer's import -> update the reducer's switch statement code -> test it -> be happy

It looks very confusing. With redux-easy-actions this boilerplate will be much easier:

add or rename the action -> update the action inside component -> update switch condition -> test it -> be happy

How it works

First write action creators, and import the EasyActions decorator:

import EasyActions from 'redux-easy-actions';

const { Actions, Constants } = EasyActions({
   ADD_TODO(type, text){
       return {type, text}
   DELETE_TODO(type, id){
       return {type, id}

export { Actions as Actions }
export { Constants as Constants }

Important: As first argument always passed action type, this happens automatically no need to pass it manually.

That's all! Actions are created. Next connect it to reducer:

import { Constants } from '../actions/actions.js';

export default function todos(state = {}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      case Constants.ADD_TODO:
        //some actions
      case Constants.DELETE_TODO:
        //some actions

To trigger the action from a component use:

import {Actions} from '../actions/actions.js';

class TodoForm extends React.Component {

Great! No strings, easy to change and integrate :)

Is it production-ready?

Please keep in mind that it's still a very early version.

Inspired by
