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Anchor Logo

Anchor - A feature rich, open-source, Antelope Wallet

Anchor Screenshot 1


Some of the notable features of Anchor include, but are not limited to:

A dedicated Anchor website will be released in the future with a more detailed breakdown of everything that Anchor offers. To experience it all yourself today, download and give it a try.

Download Anchor

We urge all users to only download Anchor from one of these two locations:

When downloading from either location, check the URL bar of your browser to ensure you are in the correct place and not visiting a phishing link.

Current Release

The most recent (v1.3.12) release can downloaded using these links:

The latest release will always be available on the releases page of this repository:


To determine which file you need, if you are a...


All releases on Github will have shasum256 hashes signed by jesta on keybase. If these signatures do not match, it is possible you have obtained a release not published by the Greymass team.

Build it yourself

If you'd rather build the application yourself, please ensure you have nodejs/npm/yarn already installed locally.

Note: If you are configuring this Electron application within a Windows development environment, it will involve additional steps.

git clone https://github.com/greymass/anchor.git anchor
cd anchor
nvm use v14
yarn --frozen-lockfile --ignore-engines
cd app
yarn --frozen-lockfile
cd ..

Then, depending on what OS you use, either:

You currently must build the binary for the desired operating system on that operating system. Windows builds must be built on Windows, macOS on macOS, etc.

After the build completes, the files will be located in the releases folder within the project folder.

Running in development mode

git clone https://github.com/greymass/anchor.git anchor
cd anchor
nvm use v13
yarn build-dll
yarn --frozen-lockfile
cd app
yarn --frozen-lockfile
cd ..
npm run dev


The development of this application is being led by members of the Greymass team.