


The Lazarus IDE tester is an improved set of unit testing frameworks for Lazarus. It still uses FPCUnit, but allows the developer to run the tests within the lazarus IDE, for an improved workflow.

Advantages of the IDE Tester:

  1. It remembers outcomes from run to run, so you can work through failing tests without rerunning all tests
  2. it runs in the IDE
  3. it runs on OSX
  4. it lets you stop a run of tests
  5. it updates while the run is happening
  6. it's fast

The IDETester has been tested and works on:

Discussion on use at https://forum.lazarus.freepascal.org/index.php/board,13.0.html

Issue report and PRs to https://github.com/grahamegrieve/lazarus-ide-tester

User Documentation

The IDETester appears as a view on the View menu in Lazarus:

FPCUnit Test Cases

This brings up the Tests view:



The view has the following features



This tree contains all the registered FPCUnit tests, and displays their status. The test status can be one of:


You can also check and uncheck tests in the tree

Status Bar:

Displays the current status of the tests / testing process

Configuration Options


Note that the configuration options are stored in the [project].lps file, so are not committed to version control (or should not be).

Test Project

Often / usually, an application will have a dedicated test project, instead of building the tests into the application being developed. Choose the project (.lpi) for the project, and then this project will be compiled and executed rather instead of the current project.


Additional Execution Parameters

Additional parameters passed directly to the test application. These can be used for:

Time to wait

The tests are run in a background process. When the tests are stopped, the controller waits for the currently running test to complete. If the test takes longer than this specified time, then the process will be terminated, and no clean up will happen.

Installing the IDETester

  1. Get the code from the git repository https://github.com/grahamegrieve/lazarus-ide-tester
  2. Install into the Lazarus IDE
  3. Open the package /package/idetester.lpk, and compile it
  4. Open the package /ide/idetester_dsgn.lpk. Don't compile it
  5. Choose Package.. install packages and then install idetester_dsgn from the list of uninstalled packages. In some versions of lazarus(?) if it is not displayed as an option, you need to compile it manually first

Running Test Cases

There's multiple ways to run your test cases:

Running tests from the IDE


program my_test_example;

  // add your test units here 


Note that you can make running the IDE tests to be one of the options for running your program:

if IsRunningIDETests then
  // do something else

Also, note that the github repo includes a project project/idetester_standalone that can run the test cases in that project using a -test {exename} parameter

Run tests as a GUI

The IDETester can be used directly in place of the FPC GUITest runner (see above for the advantages it has)

To do this:

program idetester_example;

  Interfaces, // this includes the LCL widgetset
  // add your test units here 

  Application.CreateForm(TIdeTesterForm, IdeTesterForm);
  Application.Title := 'FPCUnit test runner';

Use the standalone tester

Mixing all 3 options

See https://github.com/grahamegrieve/delphi-markdown/blob/master/fpc/MarkdownTestProgram.lpr for an example.