

Robustness Metrics

Robustness Metrics provides lightweight modules in order to evaluate the robustness of classification models across three sets of metrics:

  1. out-of-distribution generalization (e.g. a non-expert human would be able to classify similar objects, but possibly changed viewpoint, scene setting or clutter).
  2. stability (of the prediction and predicted probabilities) under natural perturbation of the input.
  3. uncertainty (e.g. assessing to which extent the probabilities predicted by a model reflect the true probabilities)

The library includes popular out-of-distribution datasets (ImageNetV2, ImageNet-C, etc.) and can be readily applied to benchmark arbitrary models and is not limited to vision models: any mapping from input -> logits will do.

Getting Started

First, install the library and its dependencies as

python setup.py install

or directly from the repository as

pip install "git+https://github.com/google-research/robustness_metrics.git#egg=robustness_metrics"

Note that robustness_metrics requires TensorFlow and TensorFlow Probability, but installing robustness_metrics does not automatically install them. You will need to install TensorFlow ( tensorflow or tf-nightly) and TensorFlow Probability (tensorflow_probability or tfp-nightly).

There are three steps to evaluate a model: 1. import the model; 2. launch an experiment; and 3. examine results.

1. Import the model

Import your model by writing a file that specifies how to make predictions and how we should pre-process the data. This file contains a single function create that returns a tuple of:

The latter can be omitted (return None) in which case we will use default pre-processing. For ImageNet, this is a central crop to (224, 224) and scales the pixel values to the range [-1, +1]. The dictionary holding the inputs features follows the same naming convention as tensorflow_datasets. As all imported datasets are currently image datasets, this means that a batch of images will be stored in the field features["image"].

<!-- TODO(trandustin): Add GitHub links to filenames displayed in open-source.-->

For examples, see models. You don't need to store the model file there.

Parameterized models. Sometimes you have multiple model variants that you would like to to test, e.g., different model sizes or training datasets. To achieve this, add arguments to the create function, e.g. create(network_type, network_width) to import networks of varying widths and sizes.

Non-TensorFlow models. If your model is not written in TensorFlow, you can convert the data to numpy and feed those to your model. For example, take a look at models/random_imagenet_numpy.py, models/vit.py for a JAX model, and models/vgg.py for a PyTorch model. Please do not forget to set the flag --tf_on_cpu in compute_report.py.

2. Launch an experiment

You can either run the launcher to compute a specific set of measurements (e.g. accuracy on ImageNet, expected calibration error on ImageNet-A) which is done via the --measurement flag, or you can compute all the measurements that are necessary for a specific robustness report, done using the --report flag.

Note that the library is using tensorflow_datasets to load the data. If you are loading them for the first time on your system, then it will first download and serialize them to a local directory.

Launch bin/compute_report.py, passing in your model file in model_path. If your create function has parameters, you can pass them via the --model_args flag (as Python code, it will be literal_eval'ed).

You can explicitly specify the set of measurements you want to make

python3 bin/compute_report.py \
   --model_path=models/random_imagenet_numpy.py \
   --measurement="accuracy@imagenet" \
   --measurement="nll@imagenet_v2(variant='MATCHED_FREQUENCY')" \

or, alternatively, you can use one of the reports we provide, e.g.

python3 bin/compute_report.py \
   --model_path=models/random_imagenet_numpy.py \

For the list of reports, please see reports/.

We provide several models in the directory models/, that you can run to reproduce their results. The models are serialized as tensorflow_hub models and will be automatically downloaded to your disk. For example:

python3 bin/compute_report.py \
   --model_path=models/bit.py \
   --model_args="dataset='Imagenet21k',network='R50',size='x1'" \
   --measurement="accuracy@imagenet" \
   --measurement="nll@imagenet_v2(variant='MATCHED_FREQUENCY')" \

If you are running non-TensorFlow models (for example models/vit.py is a JAX model, and models/vgg.py is in PyTorch), please set the flag --tf_on_cpu.

3. Examine results

To see results, look at the printed output.


If you'd like to cite Robustness Metrics, use the following BibTeX entry.

J. Djolonga, F. Hubis, M. Minderer, Z. Nado, J. Nixon, R. Romijnders, D. Tran, and M. Lucic. Robustness Metrics, 2020.

  author = {Josip Djolonga and Frances Hubis and Matthias Minderer and Zachary Nado and Jeremy Nixon and Rob Romijnders and Dustin Tran and Mario Lucic},
  title = {{R}obustness {M}etrics},
  url = {https://github.com/google-research/robustness_metrics},
  version = {0.0.1},
  year = {2020},