A curated list of server plugins for frp based on the ability of server plugin.
Submit a pull request to add awesome plugins you write or find.
If you see a project here that is no longer maintained or is not a good fit, please submit a pull request to improve this file. Thank you!
Official Plugins
- fp-multiuser - Support multiple user authentication.
Third-Party Plugins
Parmicciano/frp_plugin_allowed_ports Allow (and restrict) port and subdomain for specific users.
lukacu/docker-frps - Persistent port reservations and ACMEProxy to automatically secure exposed HTTP connections and redirect them to HTTPS.
frps-panel - A plugin to show server info and support multiple user. You can also manage user with manage ui, and limit ports, domains, subdomains for each user.
frpc-panel - A client tool to show client info and add proxy more friendly
- dev-lluo/frps-auth - 支持为每个代理设置 token 进行鉴权。
- arugal/frp-notify - 一个专注于消息通知的服务端管理插件,支持钉钉和 gotify 。
- zfb132/frp_info - 屏蔽或允许指定IP的用户建立SSH连接。
- frps-panel - 一个展示服务器信息,且支持多用户鉴权的插件,同时可以动态管理用户,可以限制用户端口、自定义域名、子域名
- frpc-panel - 一个更友好的展示、管理客户端代理信息的客户端工具