

frps-panel(Support FRP >= 0.52.0)

README | 中文文档

frp server plugin to show server info and support multiple users for frp.

frps-panel will run as one single process and accept HTTP requests from frps.

Since version 2.0.0,this plugin only support frp version >= v0.52.0

支持英文 登录页面 服务器信息 用户列表 新增列表 代理列表 代理流量统计 自动深色模式


when a user is dynamic been remove or disable,it will take some time to be effective

the limit of portsdomainssubdomains only effective at NewProxy


Download frps-panel binary file from Release.


frp version >= v0.52.3


  1. Create file frps-panel.toml including common config.
# frps panel config info
plugin_addr = ""
plugin_port = 7200
#admin_user = "admin"
#admin_pwd = "admin"
# specified login state keep time
admin_keep_time = 0

# enable tls
tls_mode = false
# tls_cert_file = "cert.crt"
# tls_key_file = "cert.key"

# frp dashboard info
dashboard_addr = ""
dashboard_port = 7500
dashboard_user = "admin"
dashboard_pwd = "admin"
  1. Create file frps-tokens.toml to save users,it should be the same place with frps-panel.toml.this file will auto create by system.
      user = "user1"
      token = "token1"
      comment = "user1 with token1"
      ports = [8080, "10000-10200"]
      domains = ["web01.domain.com", "web02.domain.com"]
      subdomains = ["web01", "web02"]
      enable = true
      user = "user2"
      token = "token2"
      comment = "user2 with token2"
      ports = [9080]
      domains = ["web11.domain.com", "web12.domain.com"]
      subdomains = ["web11", "web12"]
      enable = false
  1. Run frps-panel:

    ./frps-panel -c ./frps-panel.toml

  2. Register plugin in frps.

# frps.toml
bindPort = 7000

name = "frps-panel"
addr = ""
path = "/handler"
ops = ["Login","NewWorkConn","NewUserConn","NewProxy","Ping"]
  1. Specify username and metadatas.token in frpc configure file.

    For user1:

# frpc.toml
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
user = "user1"
metadatas.token = "123"

type = "tcp"
localIP = 22
localPort = 8080


# frpc.toml
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
user = "user1"
token = "123"

type = "tcp"
localIP = 22
localPort = 8080

For user2:(user2 cannot connect to server,because it is disabled)

# frpc.toml
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
user = "user2"
metadatas.token = "abc"

type = "tcp"
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6000


# frpc.toml
serverAddr = ""
serverPort = 7000
user = "user2"
token = "abc"

type = "tcp"
local_port = 22
remote_port = 6000
  1. Manage your users in browser via: or

Run as service

this example is for ubuntu and with root user

Description = frp multiuser service
After = network.target syslog.target
Wants = network.target

Type = simple
# config of frps-panel.toml,you should change the file path
Environment=FRPS_PANEL_OPTS="-c /root/frps-panel/frps-panel.toml"
# command of run frps-panel,you should change the file path
ExecStart = /root/frps-panel/frps-panel $FRPS_PANEL_OPTS

WantedBy = multi-user.target

Issues & Ideas

If you want visit mange ui from internet, you should change plugin_addr to

If you have any issues or ideas, put it on issues. I will try my best to achieve it.
