

Bivrost Build Status

🔥 🌈 Bridge between Solidity Contracts and Swift

Bivrost is in very early development. Do not use this for anything important.


bivrost generates Swift classes for Solidity contracts that know how to encode and decode their function calls. Use this to generate transactions that can then be sent to the blockchain.

You can use this as a pre-compile script phase for your Swift project. Generate the needed files, then add them to your project.

bivrost creates an output folder that contains auxiliary code for encoding and decoding as well as generated contract classes.


Mint 🌱

$ mint run gnosis/bivrost-swift "bivrost --input './contracts/*.json' --output '../Sources/Solidity'"


$ git clone https://github.com/gnosis/bivrost-swift
$ cd bivrost-swift
$ swift run bivrost --input './contracts/*.json' --output '../Sources/Solidity'

Using BivrostKit from code is currently not supported, but is on the roadmap.


Run $ mint run gnosis/bivrost-swift "bivrost --help" for current help.

Input files

bivrost parses the Solidity contract JSON files generated by the truffle compiler for code generation. They should have the following format:

    "contract_name": "TestContract",
    "abi": [
        "constant": false,
        "inputs": [
            "name": "inputVariable",
            "type": "uint16"
            "name": "anotherInputVariable",
            "type": "uint128"
        "name": "aTestFunction",
        "outputs": [
            "name": "outputVariable",
            "type": "bool"
        "payable": false,
        "type": "function"
      [ more function definitions... ]


bivrost generates following folder structure in the output folder:

<output folder>
  - BivrostError.swift
  - Coding
    - BaseEncoder.swift
    - BaseDecoder.swift
  - Extensions
    - BigIntExtension.swift
    - DataExtension.swift
    - StringExtension.swift
  - Generated Contracts
    - ContractName1.swift
    - ContractName2.swift
  - Generated Types
    - ArrayX-Generated.swift
    - BytesX-Generated.swift
    - IntX-Generated.swift
    - UIntX-Generated.swift
  - Protocols
    - DynamicType.swift
    - SolidityCodable.swift
    - SolidityFunction.swift
    - StaticType.swift
  - Types
    - Address.swift
    - ArrayX.swift
    - Bool.swift
    - Bytes.swift
    - BytesX.swift
    - Function.swift
    - IntX.swift
    - Solidity.swift
    - String.swift
    - UIntX.swift
    - VariableArray.swift

The generated code depends on BigInt (import BigInt) so make sure you make that available for the generated code.


Bivrost is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


Tests currently do not work when generating an Xcode project via swift package generate-xcodeproj. This issue is described in https://github.com/Quick/Quick/issues/751.
