

<img src="https://trufflesuite.com/img/truffle-logo-dark.svg" width="200">

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Truffle is a development environment, testing framework, and asset pipeline for Ethereum, aiming to make life as an Ethereum developer easier. With Truffle you get:

ℹ️ Contributors: Please see the Development section of this README.


$ npm install -g truffle

Note: To avoid any strange permissions errors, we recommend using nvm.

Quick Usage

For a default set of contracts and tests, run the following within an empty project directory:

$ truffle init

From there, you can run truffle compile, truffle migrate, and truffle test to compile your contracts, deploy those contracts to the network, and run their associated unit tests.

Truffle comes bundled with a local development blockchain server that launches automatically when you invoke the commands above. If you'd like to configure a more advanced development environment we recommend you install the blockchain server separately by running npm install -g ganache at the command line.


Please see the Official Truffle Documentation for guides, tips, and examples.


We welcome pull requests. To get started, just fork this repo, clone it locally, and run:

# Install
npm install -g yarn
yarn bootstrap

# Test
yarn test

# Adding dependencies to a package
cd packages/<truffle-package>
yarn add <npm-package> [--dev] # Use yarn

If you'd like to update a dependency to the same version across all packages, you might find this utility helpful.

Notes on project branches:

Please make pull requests against develop.

There is a bit more information in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.
