


FOSSA Status AppVeyor Status DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11382384 ChatGPT available Anthropic available slideshare.net presentation YouTube promotion video

<img src="app/assets/img/logo.svg" height="32" alt=""/> WelsonJS - Build a Windows app on the Windows built-in JavaScript engine.

A Cover Image: Windows in 1999

Now, You can build an Windows desktop app with JavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, ReScript, and HTML/CSS on Windows built-in ECMAScript engine.

WelsonJS = Windows + Electron-like + Javascript(JS) + Your contribution

Dual license notice: The default license for this project is GPL 3.0. However, if the GPL 3.0 license is not compatible with Microsoft products, it is subject to the MS-RL license.



The structure of the WelsonJS framework can be extended based on whether it operates in a console (command prompt) environment, a GUI (with HTML/CSS) environment, or a service environment, with the app.js file at its core.


Included modules

Make your own sayhello example

1. Write a file lib/sayhello.js

// lib/sayhello.js
function say() {

exports.say = say;

exports.VERSIONINFO = "SayHello Library (sayhello.js) version 0.1";
exports.AUTHOR = "abuse@catswords.net";   // e.g. YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS
exports.global = global;
exports.require = global.require;

2. Write a file sayhello.js

// sayhello.js
var SayHello = require("lib/sayhello");

function main() {
    console.log("calling say()");
    console.log("ended say()");

exports.main = main;

3. Execute file on the command prompt

C:\Users\knh94\Documents\GitHub\welsonjs> cscript app.js sayhello
calling say()
ended say()

How to release my application?

The WelsonJS framework suggests the following application release methods:


(Screenshot 1) GUI environment

(Screenshot 2) Command-line environment

(Screenshot 3) WelsonJS with Microsoft Excel

(Screenshot 4) Write a Windows Services with JavaScript

(Screenshot 5) Template Matching on the computer screen

(Screenshot 6) The Launcher for WelsonJS Application Packages

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