

Live Sass Compiler

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A VSCode Extension that help you to compile/transpile your SASS/SCSS files to CSS at real-time.

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  1. Click to Watch Sass from the status bar to turn on the live compilation and then click to Stop Watching Sass from the status bar to turn off live compilation.
    Status bar control

  2. Press F1 or ctrl+shift+P and enter Live Sass: Watch Sass to start watching and Live Sass: Stop Watching Sass to stop watching.

  3. Press F1 or ctrl+shift+P and enter Live Sass: Compile Sass - Without Watch Mode to compile one time compile the current file.

Under the hood details

This extension is actually quite simple in it's implementation. Partial files compile all files in your project and non-partials compile just themselves. By default partial files are those that start with an underscore "_" however, you can specify a location/glob pattern by changing the liveSassCompile.settings.partialsList setting (which defaults to ["/**/_*.s[ac]ss"])


Open VSCode Editor and Press ctrl+P, type ext install glenn2223.live-sass.

Our Open Source Commitment

The open source community is struggling! Open source maintainers spends countless unpaid hours supporting those using their project, they need some support back! This is why we have an Open Source Commitment.

Any monthly donations that we get - specifically referencing this project - will be shared with our dependencies (specified below). We support the packages that need it most, so we may not donate to all dependencies (often those developed/maintained by big enterprises). We can also only support the ones have a means of receiving donations.

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We hope that the project(s) we're supporting also have their own open source commitment, supporting the projects that make their solution work.

Thank you Ritwick Dey

A big thank you to @ritwickdey for all his work. However, as they are no longer maintaining the original work, I have released my own which has built upon it.